邢少华,彭衍磊,张繁,许立坤.压载舱阴极保护系统性能仿真及优化[J].装备环境工程,2011,8(1):5-9,14. XING Shao-hua,PENG Yan-lei,ZHANG Fan,XU Li-kun.Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Ballast Tank’ s Cathodic Protection System[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2011,8(1):5-9,14.
Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Ballast Tank’ s Cathodic Protection System
投稿时间:2010-07-18  修订日期:2011-02-15
中文关键词:  压载舱  牺牲阳极  边界元
英文关键词:ballast tank  sacrificial anode  boundary element method
邢少华 中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所 海洋腐蚀与防护国防科技重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266101 
彭衍磊 中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所 海洋腐蚀与防护国防科技重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266101 
张繁 中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所 海洋腐蚀与防护国防科技重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266101 
许立坤 中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所 海洋腐蚀与防护国防科技重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266101 
XING Shao-hua State Key Laboratory for Marine Corrosion and Protection,Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute,Qingdao 266071,China 
PENG Yan-lei State Key Laboratory for Marine Corrosion and Protection,Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute,Qingdao 266071,China 
ZHANG Fan State Key Laboratory for Marine Corrosion and Protection,Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute,Qingdao 266071,China 
XU Li-kun State Key Laboratory for Marine Corrosion and Protection,Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute,Qingdao 266071,China 
      针对压载舱结构复杂、 电流屏蔽现象严重导致牺牲阳极数量和位置精确设计困难, 以及目前基于经验法设计的牺牲阳极保护系统常导致局部欠保护或过保护的问题, 开展了基于边界元法的压载舱保护电位仿真和优化研究。研究结果表明, 建立的压载舱牺牲阳极保护边界元模型可准确模拟压载舱保护电位分布, 优化后的牺牲阳极保护系统保护电位分布更均匀, 船舶服役5 a后, 由于牺牲阳极消耗和涂层破损, 压载舱保护电位正移, 但仍低于-800 mV, 对压载舱起到良好的保护作用。
      The sacrificial anode protection system designed by experience easily leads to under-protect or over-protect because of the complexity and current shield effect of ballast tank. So, improper design of sacrificial anode number and position is one of the main causes of the ballast tank corrosion problem. In order to solve this problem, the potential distribution and optimization study was carried out based on boundary element method (BEM). The results showed that the numerical ballast tank model established by BEM can accurately simulate the protection potential distribution. The optimized sacrificial anode system can supply more effective and uniform protection to ballast tank, furthermore, although the potential changed bigger due to the sacrificial anodes dissolving and coating scrap and degrading, it was still under -800mV after five years, that is to say the ballast tank was well protected.
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