刘治国,叶彬,穆志韬.铝锂合金加速腐蚀损伤概率分布规律研究[J].装备环境工程,2011,8(3):8-11,37. LIU Zhi-guo,YE Bin,MU Zhi-tao.Study on Corrosion Damage Probability Distribution Law of Aluminum-Lithium Alloy Based on Accelerated Corrosion Test[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2011,8(3):8-11,37.
Study on Corrosion Damage Probability Distribution Law of Aluminum-Lithium Alloy Based on Accelerated Corrosion Test
投稿时间:2010-10-14  修订日期:2011-06-15
中文关键词:  1420铝锂合金  EXCO溶液  腐蚀深度  概率分布  动力学规律
英文关键词:1420 aluminum-lithium alloy  EXCO solution  corrosion depth  probability distribution  kinetics law
刘治国 海军航空工程学院 青岛分院,山东 青岛 266041 
叶彬 洪都航空工业集团650所,南昌 330024 
穆志韬 海军航空工程学院 青岛分院,山东 青岛 266041 
LIU Zhi-guo Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy Qingdao Branch, Qingdao 266041, China 
YE Bin Institute 650 of Hongdu Aviation Industry Group, Nanchang 330024, China 
MU Zhi-tao Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy Qingdao Branch, Qingdao 266041, China 
      进行了1420铝锂合金在EXCO溶液中浸泡腐蚀试验, 得到不同腐蚀周期的腐蚀深度数据, 对腐蚀深度数据分布规律进行了研究。结果表明其服从Gumbel分布、 正态分布、 Weibull分布和对数正态分布。根据试验数据建立了1420铝锂合金的腐蚀动力学规律方程, 结果表明, 腐蚀深度发展分为2个阶段, 在浸泡前期腐蚀较慢, 浸泡后期腐蚀较快, 2个阶段都近似遵循线性规律。
      Immersion corrosion test of 1420 aluminum- lithium alloy was carried out in EXCO solution; corrosion depth data was obtained; statistical study of corrosion depth was carried out based on the data. The results showed that the corrosion depth obeys Gumbel distribution, Normal distribution, Weibull distribution and Log-Normal distribution. The kinetics laws of corrosion were established according to the corrosion depths data. The kinetics laws showed that the corrosion behavior can be divided into two stages. In the earlier stage, corrosion rate is slower, in the later stage, corrosion rate is faster. During the two stages the kinetics law of 1420 aluminum-lithium alloy corrosion behavior in EXCO solution approximately follows a linear law.
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