王耀华,王亮,杨小强,熊伟,庞敬军,樊成飞.飞机空中客舱创口雷电直击耦合概率计算[J].装备环境工程,2011,8(3):97-99,103. WANG Yao-hua,WANG Liang,YANG Xiao-qiang,XIONG Wei,PANG Jing-jun,FAN Cheng-fei.Coupling Probability Calculation of Lightning Strike through Cuts on Airplane Cabin[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2011,8(3):97-99,103.
Coupling Probability Calculation of Lightning Strike through Cuts on Airplane Cabin
投稿时间:2010-09-20  修订日期:2011-06-15
中文关键词:  飞机  闪电密度  雷击的选择性  尖端放电  雷电直击耦合
英文关键词:airplane  lightning density  lightning strike selectivity  point discharge  lightning strike coupling
王耀华 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京 210007 
王亮 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京 210007 
杨小强 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京 210007 
熊伟 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京 210007 
庞敬军 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京 210007 
樊成飞 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京 210007 
WANG Yao-hua Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China 
WANG Liang Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China 
YANG Xiao-qiang Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China 
XIONG Wei Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China 
PANG Jing-jun Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China 
FAN Cheng-fei Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China 
      计算了飞机客舱后部形成4个110 mm×130 mm大小的创口时雷电直击耦合入飞机客舱内的概率。依据卫星观测的全国1995—2005年平均总闪电密度分布数据, 计算得出在我国雷电密度最大的湛江地区飞行时, 雷电直击耦合到4个创口的概率仅为180万亿分之一。
      The probability of lighting strike that couples to airplane cabin through four cuts was calculated, and each size of the cuts in the back of the airplane is 110×130 mm2. According to the distribution data of the nationwide average total lightning density by satellite observations from 1995 to 2005, it was calculated that the probability of lighting strike coupling to the four cuts is only about one of 180 trillions when the airplane flies in Zhanjiang region where the lightning density is the biggest in our country. It is not likely to take place in such a small probability.
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