贾兵,陈云飞,李桂娟,王志伟.单矢量水听器抗混响方法研究[J].装备环境工程,2011,8(6):43-47. JIA Bing,CHEN Yun-fei,LI Gui-juan,WANG Zhi-wei.Study on Anti-reverberation Using Single Vector Hydrophone[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2011,8(6):43-47.
Study on Anti-reverberation Using Single Vector Hydrophone
投稿时间:2011-03-21  修订日期:2011-12-15
中文关键词:  抗混响  矢量水听器  矢量声能流
英文关键词:anti-reverberation  vector hydrophone  vector acoustic energy stream
基金项目:武器装备预研项目 (51303030407)
贾兵 水下测控技术国防科技重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116012 
陈云飞 水下测控技术国防科技重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116012 
李桂娟 水下测控技术国防科技重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116012 
王志伟 大连测控技术研究所,辽宁 大连 116012 
JIA Bing National Key Laboratory of Science & Technology on Underwater Test & Control, Dalian 116012, China 
CHEN Yun-fei National Key Laboratory of Science & Technology on Underwater Test & Control, Dalian 116012, China 
LI Gui-juan National Key Laboratory of Science & Technology on Underwater Test & Control, Dalian 116012, China 
WANG Zhi-wei Dalian Scientific Test & Control Technology Institute, Dalian 116012, China 
      混响是主动声纳的主要干扰。矢量水听器是较新型的水声测量设备, 其接收的混响和目标信号之间存在相位差异。基于这些差异, 探索了矢量声能流方法用于抗混响处理的可行性, 在理论上得到了较高的空间处理增益和时间处理增益。计算结果和仿真结果表明, 相对于常规的声压平方积分器, 该方法具有很好的抗混响效果。
      Reverberation is the main interference in active sonar system. Vector hydrophone is an advanced underwater acoustic measuring equipment, which received reverberation and signal of different phase. Based on the difference, the feasibility of using vector acoustic energy stream method for anti-reverberation was discussed. Theoretical study showed that this method can get high space processing gain and time processing gain. The result of calculation and simulation showed that vector acoustic energy stream method has better anti-reverberation than conventional pressure integrated square method.
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