朱建斌,向树红,贾萍,程芸.航天器动力学试验评价技术[J].装备环境工程,2012,9(3):5-10. ZHU Jian-bin,XIANG Shu-hong,JIA Ping,CHENG Yun.Summarization of Spacecraft Dynamics Test and Evaluation Technologies[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2012,9(3):5-10.
Summarization of Spacecraft Dynamics Test and Evaluation Technologies
投稿时间:2012-04-13  修订日期:2012-06-15
中文关键词:  评价技术  航天器  动力学试验  故障诊断
英文关键词:evaluation techniques  spacecraft  dynamics test  fault diagnosis
朱建斌 北京卫星环境工程研究所, 北京 100029 
向树红 北京卫星环境工程研究所, 北京 100029 
贾萍 中国地质大学 长城学院,河北 保定 071000 
程芸 北京空间机电研究所, 北京 100076 
ZHU Jian-bin Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, Beijing 100029, China 
XIANG Shu-hong Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, Beijing 100029, China 
JIA Ping Great Wall College China University of Geosciences, Baoding 071000, China 
CHENG Yun Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100076, China 
      回顾了国内外航天器动力学试验评价技术的研究和应用, 分析了国内航天器动力学试验存在的问题, 阐述了复杂航天器的发展对于航天器动力学试验评价体系提出的新要求, 重点分析了在评价内容、 航天器环境、 航天器环境模拟方法、 航天器环境效应、 测量与分析、 评价方法及准则方面必须突破和解决的若干关键技术, 展望了航天器动力学试验评价技术的发展前景。
      The research and applications of spacecraft dynamics test evaluation techniques at home and abroad were reviewed. The problems of spacecraft dynamic test in our country were analyzed, and new requirements for spacecraft dynamics test and evaluation system as the development of complex spacecraft system were introduced. Some key technologies must be broken through and solved in the aspects of evaluation contents, spacecraft environment, environmental simulation and effects of spacecraft, measurement and analysis evaluation methods, and criteria were analyzed. The development of spacecraft dynamics test evaluation techniques was prospected.
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