王永红,李英志,鹿中晖,夏永生.线缆制品及其材料苏打盐土壤自然埋藏试验[J].装备环境工程,2012,9(4):8-14,38. WANG Yong-hong,LI Ying-zhi,LU Zhong-hui,XIA Yong-sheng.Natural Burying Test of Cables and Their Materials in Soda Soil[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2012,9(4):8-14,38.
Natural Burying Test of Cables and Their Materials in Soda Soil
投稿时间:2012-03-27  修订日期:2012-08-15
中文关键词:  苏打盐土  线缆  自然埋藏  土壤腐蚀
英文关键词:soda soil  cables  natural burying  soil corrosion
基金项目:科技部基础性工作专项 (2008FY240400);科技部国家科技基础条件平台建设项目 (2005DKA10400)
王永红 电信科学技术第五研究所, 成都 610062 
李英志 电信科学技术第五研究所, 成都 610062 
鹿中晖 电信科学技术第五研究所, 成都 610062 
夏永生 电信科学技术第五研究所, 成都 610062 
WANG Yong-hong The Fifth Research Institute of Telecommunication Technology,Chengdu 610062,China 
LI Ying-zhi The Fifth Research Institute of Telecommunication Technology,Chengdu 610062,China 
LU Zhong-hui The Fifth Research Institute of Telecommunication Technology,Chengdu 610062,China 
XIA Yong-sheng The Fifth Research Institute of Telecommunication Technology,Chengdu 610062,China 
      将线缆制品及其材料自然埋藏于大庆苏打盐土中, 周期性测量土壤环境的相关数据, 研究试件腐蚀变化规律及原因。结果表明, 各种线缆外护套的性能没有明显劣化; 铅的腐蚀程度为中等, 涂漆钢带的腐蚀程度较重, 铝的腐蚀程度严重 (发生穿孔)。金属严重腐蚀的主要原因是苏打盐土的pH值高达10, 以及电阻率很低、 土壤微生物含量较高。
      By means of natural burying cables and their materials in soda soil in Daqing site and periodically testing soil environmental factors and soil microbes, the rules and causes of corrosion were studied. The result indicated that after 12 years’ burying all the cables’plastic jackets keep their performance well; Pb has a medium corrosion level; painted steel band is corroded seriously; and Al perforates. High pH level above 10, low soil conductance, and large amount of microbes in soda soil are the main causes of corrosion.
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