王登霞,李晖,孙岩,刘亚平,李倩倩.HNBR自然老化规律及储存寿命预测研究[J].装备环境工程,2013,10(6):23-28. WANG Deng-xia,LI Hui,SUN Yan,LIU Ya-ping,LI Qian-qian.Weather Aging of HNBR and Its Storage Life Prediction[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2013,10(6):23-28.
Weather Aging of HNBR and Its Storage Life Prediction
投稿时间:2013-08-19  修订日期:2013-09-15
中文关键词:  氢化丁腈橡胶  自然老化  环境适应性  储存寿命预测
英文关键词:hydrogenated nitrile rubber  natrual aging test  environment adaptability evaluation  life prediction
王登霞 中国兵器工业集团第五三研究所,济南250031 
李晖 中国兵器工业集团第五三研究所,济南250031 
孙岩 中国兵器工业集团第五三研究所,济南250031 
刘亚平 中国兵器工业集团第五三研究所,济南250031 
李倩倩 中国兵器工业集团第五三研究所,济南250031 
WANG Deng-xia Norinco Group Institute of53,Jinan250031,China 
LI Hui Norinco Group Institute of53,Jinan250031,China 
SUN Yan Norinco Group Institute of53,Jinan250031,China 
LIU Ya-ping Norinco Group Institute of53,Jinan250031,China 
LI Qian-qian Norinco Group Institute of53,Jinan250031,China 
      目的 研究氢化丁腈橡胶的自然老化规律,评价其作为密封材料的环境适应性。方法 选取我国5个典型气候地区(万宁、漠河、敦煌、西双版纳、济南)开展氢化丁腈橡胶试样的自然老化试验。测试试样老化后的压缩永久变形,并将其作为性能评价指标对有关数据进行统计分析。对材料受力状态的环境适应性进行评价,并对其储存寿命进行预测。结果获得了氢化丁腈橡胶材料在我国5个地区3年期的压缩永久变形规律。结论 氢化丁腈橡胶材料在我国5个典型气候条件下受力状态时的储存寿命约为2~6年。其中,西双版纳的气候条件对氢化丁腈压变性能影响最大,漠河的气候条件对氰化丁腈压变性能影响最小。
      Objective To investagte the natrual aging properties of HNBR in typical areas of China.Methods Natrual aging experiments of HNBR sample were performed in Wanning, Mohe, Dunhuang, Banna and Jinan. Compression set was tested and the data were used to evaluate the effect of the different natural environment on the material.ResultsBased on the theory of atatistic analysis, compression set was selected as a parameter factor to establish the equation between the compression set and storage time at natual enviroment.Conclusion The storage time of HNBR as seaing metarials can be ascertained from2to6years in different areas using the relevant equation, which is most affected in Banna and minimal in Mohe.
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