江立军.海洋环境水下电场时频特征分析[J].装备环境工程,2014,11(5):58-61. JIANG Li-jun.Time-frequency Characteristic Analysis of Underwater Electric Field in Ocean Environment at Shallow Sea[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2014,11(5):58-61.
Time-frequency Characteristic Analysis of Underwater Electric Field in Ocean Environment at Shallow Sea
投稿时间:2014-06-18  修订日期:2014-07-08
DOI:10. 7643 /issn. 1672-9242. 2014. 05. 012
中文关键词:  海洋环境水下电场  时频特征  能量分配
英文关键词:underwater electric field in ocean environment  time-frequency characteristic  energy distribution
江立军 海军驻大连地区军代表室, 辽宁 大连 116021 
JIANG Li-jun Naval Agent's Room in Dalian Region, Dalian 116021, China 
      目 的 掌握海洋环境水下电场主要能量来源和衰减规律。 方法 结合理论研究环境电场幅值随时间 的变化规律, 重点分析水下环境电 场不 同 频带的 频谱分布, 最后计算得到 海洋环境水下电场不同 频点的幅值在整个频带所占 比重。 结果 海洋环境水下电 场随海水电 导率和海水运动强度的减弱, 幅值降低, 能量主要集中在 0. 01 ~ 1 Hz 的低频以及工频处, 在一定的空间 范围 内 海洋环境水下电场的一致性较强。 结论 实验结果与 理论分析结果具有一定的吻合度。
      Objective To master the main energy source and attenuation law of underwater electric field in ocean environment. Methods The variation environmental electric field amplitude with time was studied in combination with the theories. The frequency spectral distribution at different frequency bands of the underwater environmental electric field was analyzed in detail. Finally, the proportions of the amplitude values at different frequency points in the whole frequency band of the underwater electric field in ocean environment were calculated. Results The results showed that the amplitude of the underwater electric field in ocean environment reduced with the decrease of the conductivity and the movement of the sea water. The energy was mainly concentrated in the 0. 01 ~ 1 Hz low frequency and power frequency range. The ocean environment electric field showed strong consistency within certain space range. Conclusion The experimental results showed a certain degree of agreement with the theoretical analysis results.
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