甘志宏,王浩伟.中美军用飞机及武器装备部分底漆标准差异浅析[J].装备环境工程,2014,11(5):69-74. GAN Zhi-hong,WANG Hao-wei.A Brief Analysis of Military Specifications for Primer Coatings of Aircraft and Military Equipment between China and America[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2014,11(5):69-74.
A Brief Analysis of Military Specifications for Primer Coatings of Aircraft and Military Equipment between China and America
投稿时间:2014-07-30  修订日期:2014-08-23
DOI:10. 7643 /issn. 1672-9242. 2014. 05. 014
中文关键词:  军用 飞机  武器装备  底漆  标准  技术要求
英文关键词:military aircraft  military equipment  primer coating  specification  technical requirement
甘志宏 中国特种飞行器研究所, 湖北 荆门 448035 
王浩伟 中国特种飞行器研究所, 湖北 荆门 448035 
GAN Zhi-hong Special Vehicle Research Institute of China, Jingmen 448035, China 
WANG Hao-wei Special Vehicle Research Institute of China, Jingmen 448035, China 
      对比分析了 我国 军用 飞机及武器装备用 底漆标准与 美军标存在的 差异, 并提出 具体的 改进措施。 综述了 中美现有的军用 飞机及武器装备用 底漆的相关标准, 从标准体系 和技术指标两方面入手分析了 二者存在的差异。 由于时间 、 经验不 足等原因 , 我国 现行军用 飞 机及武器装备底漆标准体系尚不完善, 性能指标尤其是耐盐雾和丝状腐蚀性能与 美军标有较大差距。 提出 了 我国 军用 飞机及武器装备用 底漆产品研发以及建立和健全我国 军用 飞机及武器装备底漆标准的 建议, 有助于全面提升海洋环境下军机及武器装备腐蚀防护与 控制水平。
      To compare the differences of military specifications for primer coatings of aircraft and military equipment between China and America, and to propose detailed improvement measures. Some major military specifications for primer coatings of aircraft and military equipment in China and America were reviewed and compared. From the two aspects of specification system and technical requirement, the differences of military specifications for primer coatings of aircraft and military equipment were analyzed. Due to the lack of time and experiences, the existing military specifications system for primer coatings of aircraft and military equipment in China still requires to be improved. There is still a wide gap compared to American military specifications in salt-spray corrosion resistance and filiform corrosion resistance. Some suggestions were proposed on the development of primer coatings for aircraft and military equipment and the existing military specifications. They are helpful for the overall improvement of the level of corrosion prevention and control of aircraft and military equipment in marine environment.
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