李玉峰,许路铁,陈永康,赵然.某炮弹地面制导装备可修复维修器材保障研究[J].装备环境工程,2014,11(5):132-136. LI Yu-feng,XU Lu-tie,ong-kang,ZHAO Ran.Research on Repairable Maintenance Equipment Support of Ground Guidance Kits for a Certain Ammunition[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2014,11(5):132-136.
Research on Repairable Maintenance Equipment Support of Ground Guidance Kits for a Certain Ammunition
投稿时间:2014-01-08  修订日期:2014-01-18
DOI:10. 7643 /issn. 1672-9242. 2014. 05. 025
中文关键词:  器材保障  可修复器材  地面制导装备
英文关键词:material support  repairable equipment  ground guidance kits
李玉峰 军械工程学院, 石家庄 050003 
许路铁 军械工程学院, 石家庄 050003 
陈永康 军械工程学院, 石家庄 050003 
赵然 军械工程学院, 石家庄 050003 
LI Yu-feng Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China 
XU Lu-tie Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China 
ong-kang Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China 
ZHAO Ran Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China 
      目 的 对某炮弹地面制导装备可修复维修器材的保障进行探讨。 方法 对维修器材的可修复性、修理级别 进行分析, 研究可修复器材的 管理包括可修复器材的 技术、 质量和供应管理, 可修复器材的筹措和报废。 结果 制 定了 可修复器材的 确 定步骤, 编制 了 可修复器材的 管理细则 。结论 编制了 紧贴标准和实际、有经济效益的 可修复器材划 分标准, 在可修复器材筹措、 供应、 管理、回收等环节建立了 统一、规范的规章制度。
      Objective To explore repairable maintenance equipment support of ground guidance kits for a certain ammunition. Methods Repair levels and repairability of repairable equipment were analyzed. Management of repairable equipment, including technology, quality and supply management, financing and scrapped was discussed. Results The steps to determine repair equipment were finalized, and the management rules of repairable equipment were developed. Conclusion A standardized, practical and economically beneficial standard for the classification of repairable equipment was complied. Regulatory framework of repairable equipment in financing, supply, management and recycling was established.
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