邢新侠,甘志宏.有机-无机纳米聚硅氧烷涂料的耐蚀性研究[J].装备环境工程,2014,11(6):65-69. XING Xin-xia,GAN Zhi-hong.Research on the Corrosion Resistance of Organic-Inorganic Nano Polysiloxane Coatings[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2014,11(6):65-69.
Research on the Corrosion Resistance of Organic-Inorganic Nano Polysiloxane Coatings
投稿时间:2014-07-07  修订日期:2014-12-15
DOI:10. 7643 / issn. 1672-9242. 2014. 06. 011
中文关键词:  涂料  耐蚀性  盐雾试验  盐溶液周浸试验
英文关键词:coating  corrosion resistance  salt fog test  salt solution alternate immersion test
邢新侠 中国特种飞行器研究所, 湖北 荆门 448035 
甘志宏 中国特种飞行器研究所, 湖北 荆门 448035 
XING Xin-xia Special Vehicle Research Institute of China, Jingmen 448035, China 
GAN Zhi-hong Special Vehicle Research Institute of China, Jingmen 448035, China 
      目的 研究有机-无机纳米聚硅氧烷涂料的耐蚀性。 方法 将涂层试样制作划痕后,采用盐雾试验方法和盐溶液周浸试验方法进行加速腐蚀试验,采用最大剥落值对涂层剥落程度进行量化考核。 结果 获得了 4 种涂料在试验环境下的腐蚀失效模式、失效过程、失效程度、以及涂层损伤随加速腐蚀时间的变化规律等方面的试验数据。 结论 在盐雾试验中,涂层的失效模式主要是剥落,盐溶液周浸试验主要是剥落和鼓泡。 在盐雾腐蚀环境下,3#涂料耐蚀性最佳,在周浸腐蚀环境下 1#涂料耐蚀性最佳。 采用最大剥落值对涂层的剥落程度进行量化考核是可行的。
      Objective To study the corrosion resistance of organic-inorganic nano polysiloxane coatings. Methods According to the salt spray test method and salt solution alternate immersion test method, the accelerated corrosion tests were conducted on the coated samples with scratches. The maximum peeling value was used to quantitatively assess the peeling degree of coatings. Results Corrosion failure mode, corrosion degradation process, corrosion damage extent, and the change disciplinarian of corrosion damage extent with the accelerated corrosion time were obtained for the four kinds of coatings in the test environment. Conclusion The major failure mode of coatings in salt fog test was peeling, while the major modes in salt solution alternate immersion test were peeling and blistering. In the salt spray corrosion environment, 3# coating had the best corrosion resistance, and in the alternate immersion corrosion environment, 1# coating had the best corrosion resistance. Using the maximum peeling value to quantitatively assess the peeling degree of coatings was practical.
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