张幸,何卫平.飞机外场腐蚀损伤检测方法研究[J].装备环境工程,2014,11(6):116-123. ZHANG Xing,HE Wei-ping.Investigations on Outfield Detection Methods for Corrosion Damages of Aircraft[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2014,11(6):116-123.
Investigations on Outfield Detection Methods for Corrosion Damages of Aircraft
投稿时间:2014-10-15  修订日期:2014-12-15
DOI:10. 7643 / issn. 1672-9242. 2014. 06. 020
中文关键词:  CR  DR  红外热波检测  腐蚀损伤  外场检测
英文关键词:CR  DR  infrared thermographic detection  corrosion damage  outfield detection
张幸 中国特种飞行器研究所, 湖北 荆门 448035 
何卫平 中国特种飞行器研究所, 湖北 荆门 448035 
ZHANG Xing Avic Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen 448035, China 
HE Wei-ping Avic Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen 448035, China 
      目的 研究飞机外场条件下适用的腐蚀损伤检测方法。 方法 针对某型飞机铝合金和结构钢的腐蚀损伤特点,采用 X 射线 CR(计算机放射成像系统,Computed Radiography,简称 CR)、X射线 DR(Digital Radiography,简称 DR)、红外热波检测等无损检测方法对铝合金和结构钢的典型腐蚀损伤件进行检测,优选及并验证适合用于飞机腐蚀损伤的外场检测方法。 结果 X 射线 CR检测方法可检测铝合金和结构钢单层隐蔽腐蚀损伤和多层隐蔽裂纹,X 射线 DR 检测方法可检测铝合金和结构钢单层/ 多层隐蔽腐蚀损伤/ 裂纹,红外热波检测方法只可检测铝合金和结构钢单层隐蔽腐蚀损伤。 结论 相较于 X 射线 CR 和红外热波检测方法,X 射线 DR 成像检测方法能够更可靠、便捷地检测铝合金和结构钢单层/ 多层结构隐蔽腐蚀/ 裂纹损伤,更适于飞机结构腐蚀损伤的外场检测。
      Objective To study the outfield detection techniques for corrosion damages of aircraft. Methods Several experimental investigations were carried out to detect the corrosion damages of Al alloy and structure steel using three newly developed NDT techniques including X-radial CR, X-radial DR and infrared thermographic detection. Results X-radial CR detection technology could detect hidden corrosion damages of monolayer and crack damages of multilayer Al alloy and structure steel. X-radial DR detection technology could detect hidden corrosion/ crack damages of monolayer or multilayer Al alloy and structure steel. Infrared thermographic detection technology could only detect hidden corrosion damages of monolayer Al alloy and structure steel. Conclusion X-radial DR detection technology could effectively detect hidden corrosion/ crack damages of monolayer or multilayer Al alloy and structure steel, which was considered to be prior to X-radial CR and infrared thermographic detection technology in outfield detection of corrosion damages of aircraft.
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