马红,吴松,刘晓艰,王彤.密封充氢环境条件下固态电化学氢气传感器效应试验研究[J].装备环境工程,2015,12(2):19-24. MA Hong,WU Song,LIU Xiao-jian,WANG Tong.Experimental Research on Effect of Electrochemical Solid-state Hydrogen Sensor under Sealed Hydrogen-filled Environmental Conditions[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2015,12(2):19-24.
Experimental Research on Effect of Electrochemical Solid-state Hydrogen Sensor under Sealed Hydrogen-filled Environmental Conditions
投稿时间:2014-10-25  修订日期:2015-04-15
中文关键词:  密闭充氢复杂环境  密封容器  固态电化学氢气传感器  效应试验  工作寿命
英文关键词:sealed hydrogen-filled environment  sealed vessel  electrochemical solid-state hydrogen sensor  effect experiment  working life
马红 中国工程物理研究院 总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621900 
吴松 中国工程物理研究院 总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621900 
刘晓艰 中国工程物理研究院 总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621900 
王彤 中国工程物理研究院 总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621900 
MA Hong Institute of Systems Engineering,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang 621900,China 
WU Song Institute of Systems Engineering,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang 621900,China 
LIU Xiao-jian Institute of Systems Engineering,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang 621900,China 
WANG Tong Institute of Systems Engineering,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang 621900,China 
      目的 研究密闭充氢环境下固态电化学氢气传感器效应。方法 设计能模拟低氧、 低氢和压力变化的密闭充氢环境, 并在此环境中进行一系列氢气传感器效应试验, 分析、 评定试验数据。结果得到了不同环境下氢气、 氧气浓度随时间变化的规律, 提出固态电化学氢气传感器的有效工作环境,并预测了其在不同贮存环境下的工作寿命。结论 密闭充氢环境内压力和温度的变化对固态电化学氢气传感器影响较大, 湿度影响较小, 注气检定合格的氢气传感器, 在密封容器内扩散式检定, 不合格率高, 检定数据误差大于±5%FS。
      Objective To study the effect of electrochemical solid-state hydrogen sensor in airtight vessel filled with hydrogen. Methods A sealed hydrogen-filled environment was designed to simulate the environment with low oxygen concentration, low hydrogen concentration and variable pressure. A series of electrochemical solid-state hydrogen sensor effect experiments were conducted in this environment, and the experimental data was analyzed and evaluated. Results The variation rules of hydrogen and oxygen concentrations with time in different environments were obtained. The suitable working environment for electrochemical solid-state hydrogen sensor was found by analyzing the test data and its working life in different storage circumstances was estimated. Conclusion The temperature and pressure change in the sealed hydrogen-filled environment had great influence on the electrochemical solid-state hydrogen sensor while the humidity had little influence. For the sensors accredited in good condition by charging gas, the failure rate was high in diffusion checkup in sealed vessels, and the data error was higher than ±5%FS.
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