穆希辉,牛跃听,马小兵.高过载条件下弹载控制系统贮存寿命研究展望[J].装备环境工程,2015,12(3):115-120. MU Xi-hui,NIU Yue-ting,MA Xiao-bing.Prospection on Storage Life of Missile-borne Control System under High Overload[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2015,12(3):115-120.
Prospection on Storage Life of Missile-borne Control System under High Overload
投稿时间:2015-01-16  修订日期:2015-06-15
中文关键词:  弹载控制系统  高过载  寿命评估
英文关键词:missile-borne control system  high overload  life assessment
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (61471385);中国博士后科学基金资助项目 (2013M532181)
穆希辉 总装备部军械技术研究所,石家庄 050000 
牛跃听 总装备部军械技术研究所,石家庄 050000 
马小兵 北京航空航天大学,北京 100083 
MU Xi-hui Ordnance Technological Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050000, China 
NIU Yue-ting Ordnance Technological Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050000, China 
MA Xiao-bing Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China 
      研究弹载控制系统长周期贮存、 高过载发射、 使用可靠性难以确定、 缺乏寿命评估方法等问题。弹载控制系统长期贮存后, 其控制系统能否承受高达20 000G的发射过载, 这直接影响其制导精度和作战效能。通过研究弹载控制系统的结构原理、 材料特性、 工艺技术, 以及其寿命与环境应力的复杂关联性, 开展高过载条件下控制系统的应力分析、 动态性能检测、 失效机理分析、 退化模型和加速模型统一形式, 以及基于多维动态序列的系统级产品可靠性研究。确定其贮存薄弱环节, 创建其在高过载冲击条件下的可靠性评估理论体系, 突破长期贮存后弹载控制系统在高过载条件下寿命评估的技术瓶颈, 拓宽弹药贮存寿命评估技术的研究范围, 为其科学定寿和维修延寿奠定基础。
      This paper studied the long-period storage, the high overload launch, the difficulty to determine the operational reliability, the lack of life assessment methods and other issues of the missile-borne control system. After long-term storage, whether the missile-borne control system can withstand up to 20 000G launch overload directly affects its guidance accuracy and operational efficiency. By studying the structure principle, material properties, process technology of the missile-borne control system and the complex relevance of the life and environmental stress, the stress analysis was carried out of the control system under the condition of high overload, as well as the test of dynamic performance, failure mechanism analysis, the unified form of degradation model and acceleration model, and the reliability analysis of system-level products based on multi-dimensional dynamic sequences. To determine the storage weaknesses, a systematic reliability assessment theory was established under the condition of high impact overload, which broke through technical bottlenecks of life assessment of missile-borne control system under the condition of high overload after long-term storage, broadened the scope of ammunition storage life assessment technology of artillery missile and laid the foundation for scientific life assessment and repairmen to prolonging life.
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