姜传飞,朱宜生.强电磁环境测试天线研制[J].装备环境工程,2015,12(3):127-131. JIANG Chuan-fei,ZHU Yi-sheng.Development of Test Antenna for Measuring in Strong Electromagnetic Environment[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2015,12(3):127-131.
Development of Test Antenna for Measuring in Strong Electromagnetic Environment
投稿时间:2015-03-09  修订日期:2015-06-15
中文关键词:  强电磁环境  天线  测试  HFSS
英文关键词:strong electromagnetic environment  antenna  test  HFSS
姜传飞 中船重工第723研究所,江苏 扬州 225001 
朱宜生 中船重工第723研究所,江苏 扬州 225001 
JIANG Chuan-fei The 723rd Research Institute of the CSIC,Yangzhou 225001,China 
ZHU Yi-sheng The 723rd Research Institute of the CSIC,Yangzhou 225001,China 
      目的 研制一种可以测试强电场的天线, 用于GJB 1389A中规定的系统级电磁环境测试, 拟测的电场强度约在 10 kV/m 以上, 频段在 12~18 GHz 范围内。方法 首先进行 HFSS 软件建模仿真, 进行理论计算, 优化设计后得到最优的天线参数, 然后进行结构设计, 得到最优设计图, 最后按照设计图制作出实物来并进行实际测试分析。结果 测试得到的天线系数在53~70 dB/m之间。
      Objective To develop an antenna to measure the strong electric field for measuring in the electromagnetic environment with the electric field strength more than 10 kV/m and the frequency in the range of 12 ~18 GHz according to the GJB 1389. Methods Firstly, modeling and simulation was performed by HFSS software to conduct theoretical calculations, and then the structural design was performed to get the optimal design sketch. Finally, the antenna was produced according to the design and was tested and analyzed. Results The measured AF was 52~70 dB/m .Conclusion The developed antenna basically meets the requirements. Conclusion The developed antenna basically meets the requirements.
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