高刚,朱宜生.基于SAE-ARP958环天线校准技术研究[J].装备环境工程,2016,13(1):121-125. GAO Gang,ZHU Yi-sheng.Loop Antenna Calibration Technology Based on SAE-ARP958[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2016,13(1):121-125.
Loop Antenna Calibration Technology Based on SAE-ARP958
投稿时间:2015-09-15  修订日期:2016-02-15
中文关键词:  校准装置  SAE-ARP958  电磁环境
英文关键词:calibration device  SAE-ARP958  electromagnetic environment
高刚 中国船舶重工第七二三研究所,江苏 扬州 225001 
朱宜生 中国船舶重工第七二三研究所,江苏 扬州 225001 
GAO Gang 723 Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Yangzhou 225001, China 
ZHU Yi-sheng 723 Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Yangzhou 225001, China 
      目的 介绍基于SAE-ARP958环天线校准技术, 研究提高该校准精确性的方法, 为精确监测电磁环境提供保障。方法 研制一套基于SAE-ARP958环天线的校准装置, 提出采用直径分别为30, 10, 4 cm的三个发射环天线作为磁场发生装置的校准方案, 并利用对比测试的方法对校准方案进行优化。结果 优化后的校准方案能够实现环天线的精确校准。结论 基于SAE-ARP958环天线校准方法具有不受待校环尺寸限制的优点, 而且精确性高, 值得向具有较多不同尺寸的环天线用户推广。
      Objective To introduce the loop antenna calibration technology based on the SAE-ARP958 and investigate the method improving the accuracy of the calibration,which guarantees accurate monitoring in electromagnetic environment. Methods The design of a set of loop antenna calibration based on the SAE-ARP958 was proposed, the calibration scheme of using three launch loop antennas with the respective diameter of 30 cm, 10 cm and 4 cm as the magnetic field generator was put forward, and the method of comparison test was used for optimization of the calibration scheme. Results The optimized calibration scheme can realize accurate loop antenna calibration. Conclusion Loop antenna calibration method based on the SAE-ARP958 has the advantage of not being restricted to loop antenna size, and the accuracy is high, which is worth to be prompted to the users with different loop antenna sizes.
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