杨志成,周宽,田志强.钼酸钠对靶用 5083 铝合金耐蚀性能影响的研究[J].装备环境工程,2016,13(3):147-150. YANG Zhi-cheng,ZHOU Kuan,TIAN Zhi-qiang.Effect of Sodium Molybdate Inhibitor on Corrosion Resistance of 5083 Aluminum Alloy Used for Drone[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2016,13(3):147-150.
钼酸钠对靶用 5083 铝合金耐蚀性能影响的研究
Effect of Sodium Molybdate Inhibitor on Corrosion Resistance of 5083 Aluminum Alloy Used for Drone
投稿时间:2016-01-13  修订日期:2016-06-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2016.03.024
中文关键词:  5083 铝合金  耐蚀性  交流阻抗
英文关键词:5083 aluminum alloy  corrosion resistance  alternating current impedance
杨志成 中国人民解放军 92419 部队,辽宁 兴城 125106 
周宽 中国人民解放军 73306 部队,福建莆田 351111 
田志强 武汉军械士官学校 枪械系,武汉 430070 
YANG Zhi-cheng No.92419 Unit of PLA, Xingcheng 125106, China 
ZHOU Kuan No.73306 Unit of PLA, Putian 351111, China 
TIAN Zhi-qiang Department of Firearm, Wuhan Ordnance Petty Officer Academy of PLA, Wuhan 430070, China 
      目的 提高靶用 5083 铝合金材料的耐蚀性。 方法 分别运用阳极极化、交流阻抗及 EDS 等试验技术研究钼酸钠对 5083 铝合金在 3%氯化钠溶液中的耐蚀性能影响。 结果 钼酸钠加入 3%氯化钠溶液以后,该铝合金的腐蚀电位下降,点蚀电位与腐蚀电位分离,维钝电流减小,阻抗值增大,抗点蚀能力提高。 结论 钼酸钠对 5083 铝合金产生缓蚀作用。
      Objective To improve the corrosion resistance of 5083 aluminum alloy used for drone. Methods The polarization, electrochemical impedance spectrum and energy dispersive spectrometer were employed to study the effect of sodium molybdate inhibitor on the corrosion resistance of 5083 aluminum alloy in 3% NaCl solution. Results After addition of sodium molybdate in the 3% NaCl solution, the corrosion potential was decreased and separated from the pitting potential, the passivated current was reduced, the impedance was increased, and the capability of inhibiting pitting was promoted. Conclusion Sodium molybdate had corrosion inhibition effect on 5083 aluminum alloy.
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