王明军,李春福,胡文涛.油田水平井合金防垢器研制与效果评价[J].装备环境工程,2016,13(3):151-155. WANG Ming-jun,LI Chun-fu,HU Wen-tao.Development and Performance Evaluation of Alloy Antiscale in Horizontal Wells Oil-field[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2016,13(3):151-155.
Development and Performance Evaluation of Alloy Antiscale in Horizontal Wells Oil-field
投稿时间:2016-02-18  修订日期:2016-06-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2016.03.025
中文关键词:  管柱结垢  合金防垢  钙镁离子  防垢率
英文关键词:string scale  alloy antiscale  calcium and magnesium ions. antiscaling efficiency
王明军 西南石油大学,成都 610500 
李春福 西南石油大学,成都 610500 
胡文涛 中石化华北油气分公司,郑州 450000 
WANG Ming-jun Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China 
LI Chun-fu Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China 
HU Wen-tao North China Branch of Sinopec, Zhengzhou 450000, China 
      目的 探寻合金防垢在某油田的适用性。 方法 利用设计的模拟试验装置,以防垢效果为评价指标,优选出作为合金防垢器核心部件合金扇形片的元素配比,设计并研制扇形合金片螺旋排列结构的串联式合金防垢器,选择油田的油井进行 5 个月的现场试验。 结果 地层水中的钙镁离子质量浓度提高了 260%,防垢率较化学阻垢提高了 76%。 结论 该合金防垢器防垢效果较好。
      Objective To explore the applicability of alloy antiscale in certain oilfield. Methods A simulation test device was designed, and the scale prevention effect was selected as the evaluation index, the ratio of elements as material for the alloy segment, which was the core component of alloy antiscale device, was optimized, and tandem alloy antiscale device with spiral arrangement structure of segments was designed and developed. Finally, a 5-month field test was conducted in wells of oilfield. Results The calcium and magnesium ion mass concentrations in formation water were increased by 260%, and the anti-scaling efficiency was 76% higher than that of chemical anti-scaling. Conclusion The alloy antiscale device showed relatively good antiscale effect.
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