沈鹏,张德保,宋广.基于毫米波的海上目标RCS测量标定分析[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(4):42-44. SHEN Peng,ZHANG De-bao,SONG Guang.RCS Measurement Calibration Analysis of Sea Target Based on Millimeter Wave[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(4):42-44.
RCS Measurement Calibration Analysis of Sea Target Based on Millimeter Wave
投稿时间:2016-11-07  修订日期:2017-04-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.04.009
中文关键词:  毫米波  RCS测量  标定  杂波
英文关键词:millimeter wave  RCS measurement  calibration  clutter
沈鹏 中国人民解放军91404部队,河北 秦皇岛 066001 
张德保 中国人民解放军91404部队,河北 秦皇岛 066001 
宋广 中国人民解放军91404部队,河北 秦皇岛 066001 
SHEN Peng Unit 91404 of PLA, Qinhuangdao 066001, China 
ZHANG De-bao Unit 91404 of PLA, Qinhuangdao 066001, China 
SONG Guang Unit 91404 of PLA, Qinhuangdao 066001, China 
      目的 提高靶场毫米波海上目标RCS测量标定精度。方法 针对海上目标的外场雷达目标特性(Radar Cross Section,RCS)测量系统动态标定问题,在给出了无源相对标校法的基础上,对毫米波RCS测量系统标定过程中云雾杂波、大气衰减、海面及地面杂波的影响进行详细分析。结果 结合靶场外场实际测量,提出了衰减修正、合理选择标校气象条件等相应减小标定误差的措施。结论 基于毫米波海上目标RCS测量标定的分析及其措施可极大地减小毫米波外场海面测量标校中气象环境、海面或地面杂波等对系统标定的影响,提高系统标定精度。
      Objective To improve RSC measurement calibration accuracy of sea target based on millimeter wave. Methods Armed at the dynamic calibration problem of outfield RCS (radar cross section) dynamic measurement system for target on the sea, based on the passive relative calibration method given, influences of cloud clutter, atmospheric attenuation as well as sea surface and ground clutter in calibrating the millimeter wave RCS measurement system were analyzed in details. Results Measures such as attenuation correction and proper selection of proper meteorological condition for decreasing relative calibration error were proposed in combination with actual outfield measurement of the range. Conclusion Analysis based on millimeter wave sea target RCS measurement calibration and measures can greatly reduce influences of meteorological environment as well as sea surface and ground clutter on the system calibration in the millimeter wave outfield sea surface measurement and improve the system calibration accuracy.
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