张连迎,王聚杰.风电场对米波雷达系统的影响研究[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(7):41-44. ZHANG Lian-ying,WANG Ju-jie.Influences of Wind Farm on VHF Radar System[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(7):41-44.
Influences of Wind Farm on VHF Radar System
投稿时间:2017-03-15  修订日期:2017-07-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.07.008
中文关键词:  风电场  米波雷达  有源干扰  无源散射  遮蔽
英文关键词:wind farm  VHF radar  electromagnetic interference  scattering  shading
张连迎 中国电波传播研究所,山东 青岛 266107 
王聚杰 中国电波传播研究所,山东 青岛 266107 
ZHANG Lian-ying China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation, Qingdao 266107, China 
WANG Ju-jie China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation, Qingdao 266107, China 
      目的 针对目前风电场对米波雷达的潜在威胁,研究风电场的有源干扰、无源散射、遮蔽对米波雷达系统的影响,为评估风电场对米波雷达系统的影响提供技术指导。方法 根据风力发电机的工作原理和结构,对风电场的有源干扰进行实际测试,就风电场有源干扰对米波雷达系统周边背景噪声的影响进行分析,提出一系列应对有源干扰的措施;利用散射、刃峰绕射、多普勒效应等理论,就无源散射、遮蔽等因素对米波雷达系统的影响进行仿真计算和分析。结果 风电场将引起米波雷达系统周边背景噪声恶化、虚警率提高、探测距离缩减、测向和测速误差等,导致米波雷达性能下降。结论 风电场对米波雷达系统存在着巨大威胁,在米波雷达台站附近规划建设风电场前应进行严格的技术评估,保证国家经济建设和雷达系统性能不受影响。
      Objective To study influences of wind farm on VHF radar system, including electromagnetic interference, scattering and shading based on potential threads of wind farm on VHF radar system to provide technical guidelines for evaluating influences of wind farm on HVF radar system. Methods Electromagnetic interference of the wind farm ware tested according to the working principle and the structure of wind power generator. Influences of the wind farm on background noise surrounding the VHF radar system were analyzed to propose solutions of electromagnetic interference; theories of scattering, knife-edge diffraction, Doppler effect, etc, were used to have simulating calculation and analysis on influences of passive scattering, shading, etc. on the VHF system. Results The wind farm will cause decline of radar’s technical index, including worsening of radio noise, increasing of false alarm rate and reducing of detecting distance. Conclusion The wind farm has great threat to the radar system. To protect economic construction and VHF radar system’s performance, rigorous evaluation of wind farm’s influence is necessary before programming and building.
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