武杰,郑宏涛.基于碳纤复合材料的可重复使用运载器静电防护研究[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(7):74-78. WU Jie,ZHENG Hong-tao.Electrostatic Protection of Reusable Launch Vehicle Based on Carbon Fiber Composite Ma-terial[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(7):74-78.
Electrostatic Protection of Reusable Launch Vehicle Based on Carbon Fiber Composite Ma-terial
投稿时间:2017-01-12  修订日期:2017-07-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.07.015
中文关键词:  可重复使用运载器  复合材料  空间静电充放电  静电防护
英文关键词:reusable launch vehicle  composite materials  space electrostatic charge-discharge  electrostatic protection
武杰 中国运载火箭技术研究院研究发展中心,北京 100076 
郑宏涛 中国运载火箭技术研究院研究发展中心,北京 100076 
WU Jie China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing 100076, China 
ZHENG Hong-tao China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing 100076, China 
      目的 研究可重复使用运载器的静电防护方案。方法 针对可重复使用运载器特点,以及飞行期间遭遇的空间静电放电环境,基于空间静电带电数学模型,计算出运载器表面材料带电离子的静电充电电位。在此基础上,分析复合材料静电特性,提出静电防护层与电气设备等电位共地方案。结果 该方案采用碳纤维复合材料作为静电防护层,与大截面积的接地母线相连,为运载器电气设备提供低阻抗、大电荷容量的等电位地。结论 该方案能够有效抵御静电产生的干扰,为运载器电子设备提供可靠、安全、抗干扰的电磁环境。另外,该方案工艺实现简单,大大减轻了运载器的设计质量。
      Objective To research the electrostatic protection scheme of reusable launch vehicles. Methods According to the working environment characteristics and the space electrostatic discharge environment encountered by reusable launch vehicle, the mathematical model of the space charge was established to calculate the electrostatic charge potential of charged ions on the surface of reusable launch vehicle. On this basis, the static characteristics of a large number of materials were analyzed, and the integration scheme of electrostatic protection layer and electrical equipment were proposed. Results Carbon fibre composite was taken as an electrostatic protection layer to connect ground bus of large section to provide equipotential of low resistance and large charge capacity for electrical equipment of vehicle. Conclusion The scheme can effectively resist the disturbance caused by static electricity, and provide a reliable, safe and anti-interference electromagnetic environment for the electronic equipment. In addition, the method is simple, which greatly reduces the weight of the vehicle.
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