王彦霖,姚洪伟.自然随机温度应力条件的加速退化模型研究[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(7):97-102. WANG Yan-lin,YAO Hong-wei.ADT Model under the Stress of Natural Random Temperature[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(7):97-102.
ADT Model under the Stress of Natural Random Temperature
投稿时间:2017-03-24  修订日期:2017-07-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.07.020
中文关键词:  服役期  加速退化因子  伪寿命分布
英文关键词:service life  accelerated degradation factor  pseudo life distribution
王彦霖 北京电子工程总体研究所,北京 100854 
姚洪伟 北京电子工程总体研究所,北京 100854 
WANG Yan-lin Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing 100854, China 
YAO Hong-wei Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing 100854, China 
      目的 利用加速退化试验对免维护导弹服役期进行分析评估,给出自然温度环境应力等效处理方法和加速退化因子数学模型。方法 对环境温度实测数据进行统计处理,利用阿伦尼斯模型给出时域内的等效温度均值函数,将随机温度应力转换为温度循环应力。利用基于统计数据的加速退化模型求得产品激活能,推导给出相对随机温度应力的加速退化因子数学模型。结果 利用给定加速模型,定量给出了某产品在典型地区的服役期,评估结论符合预期。结论 改进后加速模型综合了自然环境随机温度应力对产品性能影响,能够较好地对产品服役期进行评估。
      Objective To analyze and evaluate the service time of maintenance-free missiles with the accelerated degradation experiment, give equivalent treatment method for stress of natural random temperature, and build a model of the accelerated degradation factors. Methods The statistical processing method was applied to treat environment temperature data. The Arrhenius model was adopted to draw the conclusion about the mean function of equivalent temperature in time domain. The random temperature was converted into the cycling stress of temperature. The accelerated degradation model based on statistics was applied to obtain the activation energy of product and deduce the mathematic model of accelerated degradation corresponding to the stress of natural random temperature. Results The service life of a product in a typical region was given with the accelerated. The result of evaluation was in line with the expectation. Conclusion The improved accelerated degradation model takes into consideration the impact of the random temperature in natural environment on the use of the product, thus it can better evaluate the service life of product.
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