翁夏.高热流密度阵列的温度一致性工程化设计研究[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(8):79-83. WENG Xia.Engineering Design on Temperature Uniformity of Source Array with High Heat Flux[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(8):79-83.
Engineering Design on Temperature Uniformity of Source Array with High Heat Flux
投稿时间:2017-03-18  修订日期:2017-08-15
中文关键词:  温度一致性  微通道  相变传热  一体化设计
英文关键词:temperature uniformity  micro-channel  phase change heat transfer  integrated design
翁夏 西南电子技术研究所,成都 610036 
WENG Xia Southwest Institute of Electronics Technology, Chengdu 610036, China 
      目的 研究一种提高高热流密度条件下热源阵列温度一致性的工程化设计方法。方法 基于微通道内相变传热的原理,在结构上创新的设计保证通道内各处冷却液的温度尽量在工质的相变点附近,从而缩小各热源之间的温度差异。对一体化综合热物理样机进行数字建模,通过数值模拟的方法,对样机进行稳态的流动和传热分析。结果 验证了集总参数仿真的可行性,并获得了样机的流场和温度场分布。结论 该样机经由微通道相变强化传热之后,各热源间具有较小的温差,可进行工程化应用。
      Objective To research an engineering design technique on temperature uniformity of TR components in High Heat Flux Methods Based on the principle of phase change heat transfer in micro-channel, the temperature in micro-channel everywhere was kept within the temperature nearby the phase change point to reduce the difference between heat sources. The digital model for the integrated thermal physical prototype was set up. Stable flow and heat transfer of the prototype were analyzed by numerical si-mulation. Results The feasibility of lumped parameter simulation was verified. The distribution of flow field and temperature field were obtained. Conclusion After enhancing heat transfer by phase change in micro-channel of the prototype, the temperature dif-ference between different heat sources is small enough. It might be applied in engineering programs.
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