熊云,刘晓,范林君,许世海.膜法富氧技术对高海拔柴油发动机性能的影响[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(10):31-34. XIONG Yun,LIU Xiao,FAN Linjun,XU Shi-hai.Effects of Membrane-based Oxygen-enrichment Technology on Performance of Diesel Engine at High Altitude[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(10):31-34.
Effects of Membrane-based Oxygen-enrichment Technology on Performance of Diesel Engine at High Altitude
投稿时间:2017-07-28  修订日期:2017-10-15
中文关键词:  高海拔  柴油机  膜法富氧  油耗
英文关键词:high altitude  diesel engine  membrane-based oxygen-enrichment  fuel consumption
熊云 中国人民解放军陆军勤务学院,重庆 401331 
刘晓 中国人民解放军陆军勤务学院,重庆 401331 
范林君 中国人民解放军陆军勤务学院,重庆 401331 
许世海 中国人民解放军陆军勤务学院,重庆 401331 
XIONG Yun Army Service College, PLA, Chongqing 401331, China 
LIU Xiao Army Service College, PLA, Chongqing 401331, China 
FAN Linjun Army Service College, PLA, Chongqing 401331, China 
XU Shi-hai Army Service College, PLA, Chongqing 401331, China 
      目的 通过膜法富氧技术提高柴油发动机的高海拔使用性能。方法 以卷式富氧膜为富氧气体来源,以发动机自身动力为动力来源,设计出富氧装置制造富氧气体。采用并联进气方式,在发动机进气系统增加旁通管路通过富氧装置为发动机补充富氧气体以提高进气的氧含量。通过高海拔发动机模拟台架和高海拔实装试验考察富氧技术对发动机性能的影响。结果 高海拔发动机模拟台架试验结果表明,海拔的增加使发动机的高海拔使用性能明显下降,与平原相比,模拟海拔5000 m时,柴油机功率平均下降43.2%,燃油消耗率平均增加74.0%;使用富氧技术后,发动机的高海拔使用性能回复,在模拟海拔5000 m,柴油机应用富氧装置后功率平均提高9.9%,燃油消耗率平均下降8.4%。唐古拉泵站的柴油发电机高海拔实装表明,使用富氧装置后,平均单位发电量油耗下降8.52%。试验过程中,使用了富氧技术的发动机工作稳定、可靠。 结论 膜法富氧技术运用于柴油机,可有效提高柴油机的高海拔使用性能。
      Objective To improve the performance of diesel engine at high altitude by membrane-based oxygen-enrichment technology. Methods The spiral-wound oxygen-enriched membrane was used as the source of oxygen enriched air; the engine itself was used as the power source; and the oxygen-enriched device was designed to produce oxygen enriched inlet air. The parallel intake mode was used. The bypass pipeline was added to the engine intake system to supplement the engine with oxygen-enriched air to improve the oxygen content of the inlet air. Influences of oxygen enrichment technology on engine performance were investigated by high altitude engine simulation bench and high altitude real equipment test. Results The experimental results of high altitude engine simulation showed that the performance of the engine at high altitude obviously decreased with the increase of altitude. Compared with that on the plain, the power of the diesel engine dropped by 43.2 % and the fuel consumption increased by 74.0 % respectively. After using the oxygen enrichment technology, the performance of the engine at high altitude restored. At the simulated altitude of 5000 m, the power of the diesel engine increased by 9.9 %; and the fuel consumption rate decreased by 8.4 % on average. The test on the diesel generator of Tanggula pumping station showed that the average power consumption of the unit decreased by 8.52 % after the use of oxygen-enriched device. During the test, the engine with oxygen enrichment technology was stable and reliable. Conclusion The membrane-based oxygen-enrichment technology can effectively improve the performance of diesel engine at high altitude.
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