牛宝良.振动信号的全频带三参量测量[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(12):51-54. NIU Bao-liang.Three Variable Measurement on Whole Frequency Band of Vibration Signal[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(12):51-54.
Three Variable Measurement on Whole Frequency Band of Vibration Signal
投稿时间:2017-07-02  修订日期:2017-12-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.12.010
中文关键词:  位移;速度  加速度;三参量控制;振动;信号处理
英文关键词:displacement  velocity  acceleration  three variable control  vibration  signal process
牛宝良 中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621999 
NIU Bao-liang Institute of System Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang 621999, China 
      目的 解决振动信号的加速度、速度、位移三参量全频带测量问题。方法 提出一种由振动加速度信号、位移信号生成全频带位移、速度、加速度信号的方法,对实测位移信号微分并低通滤波,对实测加速度信号积分并高通滤波,然后两者相加,得到全频段的加速度、速度、位移信号,所用的微分、积分、滤波都是用离散传函表示。结果 不论是正弦振动还是随机振动,生成的位移、速度、加速度信号与正确的位移、速度、加速度信号一致。结论 该方法可以由实测位移信号、加速度信号实时生成全频带三参量信号。
      Objective To solve problems in whole frequency band measurement of vibration signal from three variables: acceleration, velocity and displacement. Methods This paper presented a method to generate displacement, velocity and acceleration signal of whole frequency band from displacement signal and acceleration signal. Displacement signal was derived and filtered by low-pass filter. Acceleration signal was integrated and filtered by high-pass filter. Then the displacement, velocity, acceleration signal of the whole frequency band was obtained by integrating the two results. Derivative, integrator, filter were all described in Z transfer function. Results S Displacement, velocity, acceleration signal generated in both sinusoidal vibration and random vibration were quite consistent with exact displacement, velocity, acceleration signal. Conclusion The presented method can generate real-timely displacement, velocity, acceleration signal from displacement signal and acceleration signal.
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