曹渊,唐雪梅,王月平.基于方位轴旋转的平台惯导系统对准策略研究[J].装备环境工程,2018,15(1):15-22. CAO Yuan,TANG Xue-mei,WANG Yue-ping.Alignment of Platform INS Based on Rotation of Azimuth Axis[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2018,15(1):15-22.
Alignment of Platform INS Based on Rotation of Azimuth Axis
投稿时间:2017-10-21  修订日期:2018-01-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.01.004
中文关键词:  平台惯导  连续旋转  自对准  输出灵敏度  虚拟平台系
英文关键词:platform INS  continuous rotation  self-alignment  output sensitivity  pseudo platform frame
曹渊 陆军武器装备体系国防科技重点实验室,北京 100012 
唐雪梅 陆军武器装备体系国防科技重点实验室,北京 100012 
王月平 陆军武器装备体系国防科技重点实验室,北京 100012 
CAO Yuan Science and Technology on Complex Land Systems Simulation Laboratory, Beijing 100012, China 
TANG Xue-mei Science and Technology on Complex Land Systems Simulation Laboratory, Beijing 100012, China 
WANG Yue-ping Science and Technology on Complex Land Systems Simulation Laboratory, Beijing 100012, China 
      目的 解决平台惯导静基座自对准精度受到平台转位、锁定及惯性仪表误差影响的问题。方法 提出一种绕方位轴变速旋转的平台惯导连续自对准方法。该方法基于平台按照方位陀螺力矩指令绕方位轴变速旋转,采集水平陀螺的力矩电流输出信息估计平台失准角及仪器误差系数。通过输出灵敏度理论对系统的可观测度进行分析后,采用建立虚拟平台系的参数估计方案使得方位失准角估计精度得到提高。结果 当测量噪声为0.01(°)/h(1σ),方位失准角对准精度在10″以内,对准过程可以在10 min内完成。结论 该方案及算法使惯导平台静基座自对准精度得到显著提高。
      Objective To solve issues that the accuracy of self-alignment of platform inertial navigation system (INS) on stationary base is affected by the platform rotation, locking and inertial sensor error. Methods A new self-alignment method was presented based on rotating the platform around its azimuth with time varying angular rate. According to the command of toque from azimuth gyro, platform was rotated and the information of gyro torque current from horizon gyros was used to estimate the platform misalignments. Through analyzing the system’s obsevability by the output sensitivity theory, accuracy of azimuth misalignment estimation was augmented by introducing the pseudo platform frame. Results Under gyro measurement noise of 0.01(°)/h (1σ), the estimation error of azimuth misalignment was within 1 second (arc), and the alignment could be accomplished within 10 minutes. Conclusion The scheme and algorithms improve alignment accuracy of the inertial navigation platform static base significantly.
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