戴萍,马瑶瑶.基于GSPA-IAHP模型的油库火灾风险评价[J].装备环境工程,2018,15(8):39-43. DAI Ping,MA Yao-yao.Risk Assessment of Oil Depot Fire Based on GSPA-IAHP Model[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2018,15(8):39-43.
Risk Assessment of Oil Depot Fire Based on GSPA-IAHP Model
投稿时间:2018-06-27  修订日期:2018-08-25
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.08.007
中文关键词:  油库火灾  风险因素  IAHP  GSPA  权重
英文关键词:oil depot fire  risk factors  IAHP  GSPA  weights
戴萍 青岛科技大学 机电工程学院,山东 青岛 266061 
马瑶瑶 青岛科技大学 机电工程学院,山东 青岛 266061 
DAI Ping College of Electromechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Qingdao 266061, China 
MA Yao-yao College of Electromechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Qingdao 266061, China 
      目的 对诱发油库火灾的风险进行分析,保障油库系统的安全。方法 将区间层次分析法(Interval Analytic Hierarchy Process,IAHP)和广义集对分析法(Generalized Set Pair Analysis,GSPA)相结合,建立GSPA-IAHP模型,构建三级层次结构体系,从原料及工艺、设备设施、管理措施、火源控制方面分析引发油库火灾的风险因素,并运用Matlab软件计算各项评价指标的权重,对各个风险因素进行重要度排序。 结果 通过分析得出影响油库发生火灾最大的6个风险因素分别是:明火、防火状况、防静电设备、防雷设备、原料危险性、工作人员素质。结论 该评价方法对于油库火灾风险的评价具有适用性和有效性,并为后期的油库安全管理提供科学依据。
      Objective To analyze the risks induced by the oil depot to protect the safety of the depot system. Methods The interval analytic hierarchy process (IAHP) and the generalized set pair analysis (GSPA) were combined to establish a GSPA-IAHP model and a three-level hierarchy to analyze risk factors of oil depot from four aspects: raw materials and processes, equipment and facilities, management measures, and fire source control. Weights of each evaluation index were calculated with Matlab software, and each risk factor was sorted by importance. Results According to the analysis, the six largest risk factors affecting the fire in the oil depot were: open fire, fire protection situation, anti-static equipment, lightning protection equipment, risk of raw material and quality of staff. Conclusion The evaluation method has applicability and validity in risk evaluation of oil depot fire, and provides scientific basis for later safety management of oil depot.
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