文孟军.提升汇流环湿热环境适应性方法研究[J].装备环境工程,2018,15(8):50-54. WEN Meng-jun.Method for Adaptability Improvement Slip-ring in Hygrothermal Environment[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2018,15(8):50-54.
Method for Adaptability Improvement Slip-ring in Hygrothermal Environment
投稿时间:2018-05-15  修订日期:2018-08-25
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.08.009
中文关键词:  汇流环  湿热环境  绝缘材料  碳粉
英文关键词:slip-ring  hygrothermal environment  insulating materials  powdered carbon
文孟军 中国电子科技集团公司第29研究所,成都 610036 
WEN Meng-jun The 29th research institute of CETC, Chengdu 610036, China 
      目的 提高汇流环在湿热环境下的适应能力。方法 实物解剖,观察汇流环绝缘材料损坏情况、碳粉堆积情况,在不同温度、湿度下测试绝缘材料绝缘度、抗电强度,碳粉堆积和导电情况,比对不同绝缘材料性能,并找出最适合的绝缘材料,比对滚动汇流环、碳刷组件、刷丝组件,找到解决碳粉堆积的方法。结果 汇流环受湿热影响会从接缝处和电缆连接处进入湿气,温度、湿度的上升会使得原绝缘材料性能下降,长时间使用汇流环,碳粉会在汇流环内堆积并受到湿热的影响而导电,局部密封汇流环可以减少湿气进入。PPO材料性能优异,可以替换原绝缘材料从而减少湿热的影响,使用刷丝组件替代碳刷可以避免碳粉的产生。结论 综合运用局部密封、绝缘材料改进、碳刷组件改进三种措施,可以有效提高汇流环在湿热环境下的适应能力。
      Objective To improve slip-ring’s adaptability in hygrothermal Environment. Insulating material damage and carbon powder accumulation were observed by anatomizing samples. Insulativity, anti-electric strength, carbon powders accumulation and electrical conductivity of insulating material were theoretically analyzed and tested at different temperature and humidity to compare performance of different insulating materials to find out the most suitable one for the sealing slip ring, and find out the method to solve the carbon powders accumulation by comparing the rolling slip ring, carbon brush and brush filaments. Results In hygrothermal environment, the moisture from the joint and the cable connection would impact the slip ring. The increase of tem-perature and humidity decreased the performance insulating material. The carbon powders would accumulate in the slip ring and conduct electricity with the influence of the hygrothermal environment in a long time service. Sealing the slip ring partially could decrease the moisture percolation. PPO with excellent performance can replace the insulating material in the slip ring to reduce the influence of the hygrothermal environment. Replacing the carbon brush with brush filaments could avoid the production of carbon powders. Conclusion The adaptability of slip-ring in the hygrothermal environment might be improved by integrating local seal, insulation material and carbon brush improvement measures.
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