赵苗苗,段宇星,王建强.AO-80/201树脂/BIIR共混阻尼橡胶动态力学性能研究[J].装备环境工程,2018,15(9):107-110. ZHAO Miao-miao,DUAN Yu-xing,WANG Jian-qiang.Damping Mechanical Properties of Mixed Damping Rubber of 201 Phenolic Resin/AO-80 Hindered Phenol/BIIR[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2018,15(9):107-110.
Damping Mechanical Properties of Mixed Damping Rubber of 201 Phenolic Resin/AO-80 Hindered Phenol/BIIR
投稿时间:2018-06-25  修订日期:2018-09-25
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.09.021
中文关键词:  BIIR  201酚醛树脂  AO-80受阻酚  损耗因子  高频低温
英文关键词:BIIR  phenolic resin  AO-80 hindered phenol  loss factor  high frequency and low temperature
赵苗苗 中国飞机强度研究所,西安 710065 
段宇星 中国飞机强度研究所,西安 710065 
王建强 中国飞机强度研究所,西安 710065 
ZHAO Miao-miao AVIC Aircraft Strength Research Institute, Xi'an 710065, China 
DUAN Yu-xing AVIC Aircraft Strength Research Institute, Xi'an 710065, China 
WANG Jian-qiang AVIC Aircraft Strength Research Institute, Xi'an 710065, China 
      目的 提高丁基橡胶的阻尼性能。方法 在溴化丁基中添加201酚醛树脂、受阻酚AO-80制备AO-80/酚醛树脂/BIIR共混阻尼橡胶,采用动态力学分析(DMA)方法研究共混橡胶的动态力学性能。结果 DMA测试表明,随着201酚醛树脂硫化剂用量的增大,使得材料的最佳使用温度向高温方向移动,201树脂添加10份时BIIR/酚醛树脂共混橡胶可获得最大损耗因子0.81。AO-80/酚醛树脂/BIIR共混橡胶中,AO-80的添加使材料的最佳使用温度向高温方向移动,同时AO-80/酚醛树脂/BIIR共混胶tan δ-T曲线呈现双峰特征。当AO-80添加量为30份时,材料tan δ>0.3的温域为40~60 ℃。同时研究了不同使用频率和不同使用温度下材料的动力学性能,研究表明,随使用频率的增高,材料的最佳使用温度向高温方向移动,材料使用温度的降低等效于高频作用。最后以约束阻尼层处理方法对新研材料进行了减振性能评估,新研材料减振降噪效果从剩余峰数、阻尼系数、剩余峰高三个方面均优于国外某先进材料。结论 AO-80/酚醛树脂/BIIR共混阻尼橡胶材料具有更好的减振降噪效果。
      Objective To improve the damping property of BIIR rubber. Methods 201 phenolic resin and AO-80 hindered phenol were added to BIIR to prepare AO-80/phenolic resin/BIIR mixed rubber. Damping properties of mixed rubber were studied by damping mechanical analysis (DMA). Results The dosage increase of 201 phenolic vulcanizing agent made the optimum operating temperature of material increase. When 201 resin was added to 10 parts, the largest loss factor of mixed rubber was 0.81. In AO-80/201/BIIR mixed rubber, adding of AO-80 made the optimum operating temperature of material increase and AO-80/201/BIIR show a double peak characteristics. When 30 parts of AO-80 were added to the mixed rubber, the temperature range of loss factor (tanδ>0.3) was 40 ℃ to 60 ℃. The damping property at different temperature and different frequencies were also studied. The results showed that the increase of using frequency made the optimum operating temperature of material increase. The effect of the increase of temperature was the same as that of the decrease of frequencies. The newly developed materials were evaluated by the method of the constrained layer. The newly developed materials were better than foreign advanced material in term of residual peak number, damping coefficient and benefit peak height. Conclusion AO-80/phenolic resin/BIIR blend damping rubber material has better vibration and noise reduction effect.
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