刘殿宇,王毛毛,张亮,李大朋,常炜,王修云,王润,张雷.316L不锈钢在海洋深水环境中的局部腐蚀规律[J].装备环境工程,2019,16(1):102-106. LIU Dian-yu,WANG Mao-mao,ZHANG Liang,LI Da-peng,CHANG Wei,WANG Xiu-yun,WANG Run,ZHANG Lei.Localized Corrosion Law of 316L Stainless Steel in Deep Seawater[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2019,16(1):102-106.
Localized Corrosion Law of 316L Stainless Steel in Deep Seawater
投稿时间:2018-07-25  修订日期:2019-01-25
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2019.01.020
中文关键词:  316L不锈钢  海洋深水环境  生物膜  点腐蚀
英文关键词:316L stainless steel  deep-sea water  marine microorganism  pitting corrosion
刘殿宇 1.中海油(深圳)有限公司 白云天然气作业公司,广东 深圳 518067 
王毛毛 2.安科工程技术研究院(北京)有限公司,北京 100083 
张亮 3.中海油信息科技有限公司北京分公司,北京 100027 
李大朋 1.中海油(深圳)有限公司 白云天然气作业公司,广东 深圳 518067 
常炜 4.中海油研究总院有限公司,北京 100028 
王修云 2.安科工程技术研究院(北京)有限公司,北京 100083 
王润 3.中海油信息科技有限公司北京分公司,北京 100027 
张雷 5.北京科技大学 新材料技术研究院,北京 100083 
LIU Dian-yu 1. Baiyun Natural Gas Operations of CCLS, Shenzhen 518067, China 
WANG Mao-mao 2. Anko Engineering Technology Institute Limited Company, Beijing 100083, China 
ZHANG Liang 3. CNOOC Information Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch, Beijing 100027, China 
LI Da-peng 1. Baiyun Natural Gas Operations of CCLS, Shenzhen 518067, China 
CHANG Wei 4. CNOOC Research Institute Ltd., Beijing 100028, China 
WANG Xiu-yun 2. Anko Engineering Technology Institute Limited Company, Beijing 100083, China 
WANG Run 3. CNOOC Information Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch, Beijing 100027, China 
ZHANG Lei 5. University of Science and Technology Beijing Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology, Beijing 100083, China 
      目的 研究316L不锈钢在海洋深水环境中的局部腐蚀规律。方法 利用自行设计的实验装置在南海170 m水深位置开展316L不锈钢腐蚀模拟实验,并通过电化学测试方法与扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)等测试手段进行分析。结果 浸泡7天时,316L不锈钢表面发生局部腐蚀,但微生物吸附会形成保护性的微生物膜,引起其自腐蚀及击穿电位正移,耐点蚀性能会升高。随着浸泡时间的延长,溶解氧含量逐渐降低,试样表面吸附的微生物膜性质发生变化,导致钝化膜在微生物与Cl?的作用下破裂,自腐蚀电位及击穿电位负移,耐点蚀性能下降。结论 316L不锈钢在海洋深水环境中的耐点蚀性能随着浸泡时间的延长,先降低而后增加。
      Objective To study the localized corrosion law of 316L stainless steel in deep-sea water. Methods The experiment was carried out to study the corrosion law of 316L stainless steel with the self-developing experimental provision in 170m water depth, together with cyclic polarization curves, SEM and EDS. Results Pitting corrosion occurred for 316L stainless steel after 7 days of immersion. But protective microbial film would form for adsorption of microorganism. It would lead to self-corrosion and positive shift of breakdown potential. The pitting resistance might increase. As the immersing time increased, the content of oxygen dissolved decreased, the property of microbial film on the sample surface changed. The passive film broke under the action of microorganism and Cl-. The self-corrosion and breakdown potential shifted negatively. The pitting corrosion resistance decreased. Conclusion The corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel decreased and then increased with the increase of immersion.
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