王彦碧.低频通信系统天线近场辐射危害研究[J].装备环境工程,2019,16(1):114-117. WANG Yan-bi.Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation of Near Field for Low Frequency Communication System[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2019,16(1):114-117.
Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation of Near Field for Low Frequency Communication System
投稿时间:2018-11-07  修订日期:2019-01-25
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2019.01.022
中文关键词:  低频通信系统  天线近场  辐射危害  区域划分
英文关键词:low frequency communication system  near field  hazards of electromagnetic radiation  zone
王彦碧 中国船舶重工集团公司第七二二研究所,武汉 430205 
WANG Yan-bi No.722 Research Institute, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Wuhan 430205, China 
      目的 为低频通信系统电磁辐射危害控制方法提供数据支撑。方法 基于IEEE-Std-C95.1—2005、GJB 5313A—2017以及GB 8702—2014,通过试验详细地获取不同功率和频率条件下低频通信系统天线近场综合场强值,并将工作区域划分为危险区、短时活动区和安全工作区。结果 以甚低频菱形天线为中心,40 m半径范围内为危险区,其峰值场强高于70 V/m,40~70 m半径范围内为短时活动区,70 m半径外为安全工作区。结论 甚低频天线近场电磁辐射危害试验验证和区域划分,为低频通信系统电磁辐射危害有效控制提供技术支撑。
      Objective To provide data support for control method of electromagnetic radiation hazard in low frequency communication system. Methods Based on IEEE-Std-C95.1-2005, GJB5313A-2017 and GB8702-2014, the near field integrated field intensity of antenna in low frequency communication system was obtained in details under different power and frequency conditions, and the working area was divided into dangerous zone, short-time activity zone and secure working zone. Results The range of 40 meters radius with the center of the rhombus antenna was the dangerous zone as the peak field intensity in which was higher than 70 V / m; the range of 40 to 70 M was a short-term activity zone; and the range outside 70 meter radius was the secure working zone. Conclusion Test verification and area division of near field electromagnetic radiation from low frequency antenna can provide technical support for the effective control of electromagnetic radiation hazards generated by the low frequency communication system.
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