陈涛,聂照宇,胡大芬,徐晓.反应堆压力容器主螺栓水压试验拉伸量调整力学分析评价[J].装备环境工程,2019,16(2):7-11. CHEN Tao,NIE Zhao-yu,HU Da-fen,XU Xiao.Study on the Adjustment of Reactor Pressure Vessel Main Bolt Residual Elongation during Individual Hydraulic Test[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2019,16(2):7-11.
Study on the Adjustment of Reactor Pressure Vessel Main Bolt Residual Elongation during Individual Hydraulic Test
投稿时间:2018-11-23  修订日期:2019-02-25
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2019.02.002
中文关键词:  力学分析  螺栓  拉伸量  水压试验  核电站
英文关键词:mechanics analysis  bolt  elongation  hydraulic test  nuclear power station
陈涛 1. 核电安全监控技术与装备国家重点实验室,广东 深圳 518172;2. 深圳中广核工程设计有限公司,广东 深圳 518172 
聂照宇 2. 深圳中广核工程设计有限公司,广东 深圳 518172 
胡大芬 2. 深圳中广核工程设计有限公司,广东 深圳 518172 
徐晓 2. 深圳中广核工程设计有限公司,广东 深圳 518172 
CHEN Tao 1. State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Safety Monitoring Technology and Equipment, Shenzhen, 518172 China;2. China Nuclear Power Design Company, Ltd, Shenzhen 518172, China 
NIE Zhao-yu 2. China Nuclear Power Design Company, Ltd, Shenzhen 518172, China 
HU Da-fen 2. China Nuclear Power Design Company, Ltd, Shenzhen 518172, China 
XU Xiao 2. China Nuclear Power Design Company, Ltd, Shenzhen 518172, China 
      目的 针对某核电站反应堆压力容器主螺栓残余拉伸量与设计要求(1.63±0.03) mm有出入,个别测试数据不在设计要求范围内的情况,对出厂水压试验工况拉伸量验收值进行调整。方法 考虑上述拉伸量偏差对螺栓载荷的影响,从应力、疲劳和密封角度展开系统分析,对螺栓、螺纹、连接法兰及反应堆压力容器密封性能分别进行详细的力学评价。结果 根据评价结果,对出厂水压试验工况拉伸量验收值进行两次调整,最终确定为(1.68±0.03) mm。结论 该机组反应堆压力容器出厂水压试验各项指标满足要求,针对上述拉伸量调整的力学评价合理性得到有效验证。
      Objective To adjust the acceptance value of residual elongation in the working condition of hydrostatic test to solve the problem that the values of residual elongation of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) main bolt during calibration experiment for individual hydraulic test condition are not consistent with the design requirement which is 1.63±0.03mm and some values are beyond the requirement range. Methods Considering the influence of the above difference on the bolt load, detailed analyses were carried out for the bolt, the bolt threads and connected flanges in the field of stress, fatigue and sealing of RPV. Results After two times of adjustment, new elongation values of 1.68±0.03mm were determined according to the analysis results. Conclusion Each testing index of the individual hydraulic test for the certain RPV satisfies the demand and the rationality of the numerical assessment is verified.
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