赵永岗,施成辰,曾小莉.航空发动机零件环形内腔表面清洁度检查应用研究[J].装备环境工程,2019,16(8):. ZHAO Yong-gang,SHI Cheng-chen,ZENG Xiao-li.Application of Cleanliness Verification of Inner Cavity Surface on Aero Engine Parts[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2019,16(8):.
Application of Cleanliness Verification of Inner Cavity Surface on Aero Engine Parts
投稿时间:2019-02-26  修订日期:2019-03-30
中文关键词:  清洁度检查  航空发动机  硬颗粒
英文关键词:cleanliness verification  aero-engine  hard particle
赵永岗 沈阳黎明航空发动机有限责任公司,沈阳 110043 
施成辰 沈阳黎明航空发动机有限责任公司,沈阳 110043 
曾小莉 沈阳黎明航空发动机有限责任公司,沈阳 110043 
ZHAO Yong-gang Shenyang Liming AERO-Engine Corporation Ltd, Shenyang 110043, China 
SHI Cheng-chen Shenyang Liming AERO-Engine Corporation Ltd, Shenyang 110043, China 
ZENG Xiao-li Shenyang Liming AERO-Engine Corporation Ltd, Shenyang 110043, China 
      目的 检查不锈钢零件环形内腔表面的清洁度水平。方法 通过采用预清洗和高压水射流清洗的联合方法对某不锈钢零件环形内腔表面进行清洗,并借助专用夹具不断冲洗环形内腔表面,直至目视检查清洗车底部的滤网内没有可见的杂质,然后收集全部清洗液进行清洁度检查,采用3 μm的滤纸过滤收集的清洗液。结果 用分析天平称杂质质量为1.5 mg,用金相显微镜检查,硬颗粒尺寸均小于0.1 mm。结论 通过该方法能够满足某不锈钢零件环形内腔表面清洁度C级检测要求。
      Objective Toverify the cleanliness level on the inner cavity surface of stainless steel parts. Methods The inner cavity surface of stainless steel parts were washed with pre-cleaning and washing high pressure water jet. The inner surface was washed continuously under dedicated tooling until there was no impurity visually on the filter screen at the bottom of cleaning tank. The cleaning solution was collected for cleanliness verification. The collected cleaning solution was filtered with 3 μm filter paper. Results The weight of impurity was 1.5 mg with analytical balance, and the size of hard particles was less than 0.1mm under metallographic microscope. Conclusion Class C level of cleanliness can be archived by above method for inner cavity surface on stainless steel parts.
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