陈宇,李明,傅耘.航空电子设备大气辐射环境的危害影响分析[J].装备环境工程,2019,16(9):109-112. CHEN Yu,LI Ming,FU Yun.Hazard Effects of Atmospheric Radiation Environment on Avionics[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2019,16(9):109-112.
Hazard Effects of Atmospheric Radiation Environment on Avionics
投稿时间:2019-03-05  修订日期:2019-04-30
中文关键词:  航空电子设备  大气辐射  中子  中子诱发的单粒子效应  软错误率
英文关键词:avionics  atmospheric radiation  neutron  neutron induced single event effect  soft error rate
陈宇 航空工业综合技术研究所,北京 100028 ;国家质量监督检验检疫总局质量基础设施效能研究重点实验室,北京 100028 
李明 航空工业综合技术研究所,北京 100028 ;国家质量监督检验检疫总局质量基础设施效能研究重点实验室,北京 100028 
傅耘 航空工业综合技术研究所,北京 100028 ;国家质量监督检验检疫总局质量基础设施效能研究重点实验室,北京 100028 
CHEN Yu AVIC China Aero-polytechonlogy Establishment, Beijing 100028, China;Key Laboratory of Quality Infrastructure Efficacy Research, AQSIQ, Beijing 100028, China 
LI Ming AVIC China Aero-polytechonlogy Establishment, Beijing 100028, China;Key Laboratory of Quality Infrastructure Efficacy Research, AQSIQ, Beijing 100028, China 
FU Yun AVIC China Aero-polytechonlogy Establishment, Beijing 100028, China;Key Laboratory of Quality Infrastructure Efficacy Research, AQSIQ, Beijing 100028, China 
      目的 调查航空电子设备在典型民用飞行高度(8 000~12 000 m)下大气辐射环境的危害影响。方法 利用14 MeV高能中子源对航空电子设备用CPU、DSP、FPGA及存储器开展了辐照试验,获取了各试件的单粒子效应敏感特性,采用民航高度下大气中子注量率的典型值6000 n/(cm2.s),预计典型航空电子设备在巡航高度下可能发生的软错误率。结果 约900 h内,该航空电子设备会由于大气辐射单粒子效应诱发一次错误。结论 在不采取针对性防护措施的前提下,大气中子诱发的单粒子效应将严重影响航空电子设备可靠性、维修性,甚至危及飞行安全。
      Objective To investigate the hazard effects of atmospheric radiation environment on avionics at typical civil flight altitudes (8 000 m to 12 000 m). Methods The 14 MeV high-energy neutron source was used to conduct irradiation tests on CPU, DSP, FPGA and memory for avionics. The single event effect sensitivity of each test piece was obtained. The typical value (6000 n/(cm2.s)) of the atmospheric neutron flux at the altitude of civil aviation was adopted to estimate the single event effect rate of typical avionics at cruising altitude. Results The avionics would cause a single particle effect of atmospheric radiation within about 900 hours. Conclusion Under the premise of not taking targeted protective measures, the single event effect induced by atmospheric neutrons will seriously affect the reliability and maintainability of avionics and even endanger flight safety.
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