房施东,宁全利,陈栋,唐正,张杰.火箭弹多模导引头对复杂气象环境适用性研究[J].装备环境工程,2020,17(1):124-129. FANG Shi-dong,NING Quan-li,CHEN Dong,TANG Zheng,ZHANG Jie.Applicability of Rocket Multi-mode Seeker to Complex Meteorological Environment[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2020,17(1):124-129.
Applicability of Rocket Multi-mode Seeker to Complex Meteorological Environment
投稿时间:2019-07-31  修订日期:2019-08-14
中文关键词:  多模导引头  气象环境  环境适用性  雾霾
英文关键词:multi-mode seeker  meteorological environment  environmental applicability  haze-fog
房施东 陆军炮兵防空兵学院,合肥 230031 
宁全利 陆军炮兵防空兵学院,合肥 230031 
陈栋 陆军炮兵防空兵学院,合肥 230031 
唐正 陆军炮兵防空兵学院,合肥 230031 
张杰 陆军炮兵防空兵学院,合肥 230031 
FANG Shi-dong Artillery and Air Defense Academy, Hefei 230031, China 
NING Quan-li Artillery and Air Defense Academy, Hefei 230031, China 
CHEN Dong Artillery and Air Defense Academy, Hefei 230031, China 
TANG Zheng Artillery and Air Defense Academy, Hefei 230031, China 
ZHANG Jie Artillery and Air Defense Academy, Hefei 230031, China 
      目的 计算分析火箭弹多模导引头对复杂气象的环境适用性,为作战使用提供参考。方法 采用气溶胶衰减计算公式,建立探测距离与波长、相对湿度、能见度关系,运用MATLAB计算光学成像系统在雾霾条件下的探测距离。依据约翰斯顿准则计算光学探测设备一定高度上对目标的捕获识别概率,从而判断有云环境条件下,云底高度对探测设备的影响。根据毫米波雷达最大作用距离模型和雨滴特性,建立其降雨衰减模型,计算分析降雨率对毫米波雷达探测距离的影响。结果 获取了雾霾条件下探测距离随相对湿度和波长的变化规律,确定了有云条件下导引头对云底高度的最低要求,绘制了降雨条件下毫米波雷达对不同目标的探测距离随降雨率的变化曲线。结论 火箭弹多模复合导引头充分发挥了不同探测设备的优势,对复杂天气环境具有较好的适用性。
      The paper aims to calculate and analyze the applicability of rocket multi-mode seeker to complex meteorological environment, and provide the reference for the using in the fight. Firstly, with the calculation formula of aerosol attenuation, the relationship between detection distance and wavelength, humidity and visibility was established to calculate the detection distance of optical imaging system under the condition of haze- fog with MATLAB. Secondly, based on Johnston criterion, the probability of target acquisition and recognition at a certain height of optical detection equipment was calculated, to judge the influence of cloud bottom height on detection equipment under cloud environment. Finally, according to the maximum range model of MMW radar and the characteristics of raindrops, the rainfall attenuation model was established to calculate and analyze the influence of rainfall rate on the detection distance of MMW radar. The variation rule of detection distance with humidity and wavelength under haze condition was obtained. The minimum requirement of the seeker for the height of cloud bottom was determined. The change curve of detection distance of MMW radar to different targets with rainfall rate was drawn. The multi-mode composite seeker of rocket gives the advantages of different detection devices to play. It has good applicability to complex weather environment.
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