邰菁菁.上海市嘉定区大气颗粒物网格化监测[J].装备环境工程,2020,17(3):100-107. TAI Jing-jing.Grid Monitoring of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Jiading District, Shanghai[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2020,17(3):100-107.
Grid Monitoring of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Jiading District, Shanghai
投稿时间:2019-09-12  修订日期:2019-11-19
中文关键词:  网格化监测  大气颗粒物  嘉定
英文关键词:grid monitoring  particulate matter  Jiading
邰菁菁 上海市嘉定区环境监测站,上海 201822 
TAI Jing-jing Jiading District Environmental Monitoring Station, Shanghai 201822, China 
      目的 深入研究大气网格化监测的实际应用。方法 利用2017—2018年上海市嘉定区大气网格化监测数据,对嘉定区颗粒物浓度变化趋势进行分析,同时结合颗粒物激光雷达扫描数据,对颗粒物污染过程进行解析。结果 颗粒物污染浓度水平较高的区域主要集中在嘉定北部地区。2017年PM10和PM2.5浓度均表现出冬季>春季>夏季>秋季的趋势。在东北偏北风向条件下,发生区域传输污染时,污染较重区域集中在嘉定的东部和中部;在风速较小的静稳条件下,企业夜间排放的大量废气极易对周边区域空气质量产生影响,夜间到次日凌晨浓度值不断升高,次日凌晨5时45分的PM2.5的浓度值为前一日20时浓度值的3.1倍。结论 大气网格化监测的实施及配套大气减排监管工作开展,使嘉定区环境质量改善明显。
      The paper aims to study the practical application of atmospheric gridding monitoring. The concentration of particulate matters in Jiading District, Shanghai from 2017 to 2018 was analyzed with the monitoring data of atmospheric gridding. The particulate matter pollution process was also analyzed with the data from scanning lidar. The results showed that the high concentration of particulate matter pollution was mainly concentrated in the northern region. PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in 2017 ranked in the order of winter > spring > summer > autumn. The areas with high concentration of particulate matter pollution were occurred in the eastern and central parts of Jiading when the wind come from northeast by north. The large amount of exhaust gas emitted by enterprises at night can easily affect the air quality in the surrounding areas during the calm winds. The PM2.5 concentration from night to the next morning kept rising and was 3.1 times at 5:45 am than that of 20:00 pm the previous day. The environmental quality of Jiading District is improved obviously by the implementation of atmospheric gridding monitoring and the regulation of atmospheric emission reduction.
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