张洁,张健,陈国宏,魏鑫,李宸宇,汤文明.安徽省内电网设备常用钢材大气腐蚀试验研究[J].装备环境工程,2020,17(7):98-104. ZHANG Jie,ZHANG Jian,CHEN Guo-hong,WEI Xin,LI Chen-yu,TANG Wen-ming.Atmospheric Corrosion of Steels Commonly-used in Power Grid Equipment in Anhui Province[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2020,17(7):98-104.
Atmospheric Corrosion of Steels Commonly-used in Power Grid Equipment in Anhui Province
投稿时间:2019-12-30  修订日期:2020-01-15
中文关键词:  电网设备钢材  大气腐蚀  腐蚀速率  腐蚀产物  显微结构  腐蚀机理
英文关键词:grid equipment steel  atmospheric corrosion  corrosion rate  corrosion product  microstructure  corrosion mechanism
张洁 国网安徽省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,合肥 230601 
张健 安徽新力电业科技咨询有限责任公司,合肥 230601 
陈国宏 国网安徽省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,合肥 230601 
魏鑫 合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,合肥 230009 
李宸宇 合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,合肥 230009 
汤文明 合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,合肥 230009 
ZHANG Jie Electric Power Research Institute, Anhui Electric Power Co.Ltd, State Grid, Hefei 230601, China 
ZHANG Jian Anhui Xinli Electric Technology Consulting Co.Ltd, Hefei 230601, China 
CHEN Guo-hong Electric Power Research Institute, Anhui Electric Power Co.Ltd, State Grid, Hefei 230601, China 
WEI Xin School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
LI Chen-yu School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
TANG Wen-ming School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
      目的 针对在安徽省内H1、R1及T28三个站点自然环境下暴露1年后的Q235、40Cr及镀锌钢,开展腐蚀速率、腐蚀产物及腐蚀层形貌的研究,探讨其大气腐蚀机理。方法 采用称量法计算腐蚀质量损失,通过光学及电子显微镜法观察腐蚀层表面及截面形貌,用电子能谱仪测试微区成分,用X-射线衍射法测试腐蚀层的物相构成。结果 Q235、40Cr的大气腐蚀产物为FeOOH、Fe3O4、Fe(OH)3及FeSO4,镀锌钢则为ZnO及ZnSO4。Q235、40Cr腐蚀层表面分布着绒球状的α-FeOOH及片状的γ-FeOOH,镀锌钢大气腐蚀层致密,但T28站点镀锌钢表面形成点状的腐蚀坑,腐蚀防护能力降低。结论 同一站点三种钢腐蚀速率大小次序为40Cr>Q235>镀锌钢,站点R1钢的腐蚀速率最大,站点T28的腐蚀速率最小。
      The paper aims to study the corrosion rates, corrosion products and morphologies ofthe corrosion layers Q235, 40Cr and the galvanized steel exposed for 1 year in three sites of H1, R1 and T28 of Anhui province and discuss the atmospheric corrosion mechanism. The weighing method was used to test the weight loss of the steel samples. Optical and electronic scanning microscopes were used to observe the planar and cross-sectional views of the corrosion layers. An energy disperse spectroscopy and an X-ray diffractometer were employed to test the micro-zone compositions and the phases composition of the corrosion layers, respectively. The atmospheric corrosion products of the Q235 and 40Cr were FeOOH, Fe3O4, Fe (OH)3 and FeSO4, and those of the galvanized steel were ZnO and ZnSO4. Wool ball-like α-FeOOH and flake-like γ-FeOOH can be observed on the surfaces of the corrosion layers of Q235 and 40Cr. The corrosion layer of the galvanized steel was dense; however, etch pits existed on the corrosion layer of the galvanized steel at site T28, which degraded the corrosion protection ability of the corrosion layer. The sequence of the corrosion rate of the three steels is 40Cr > Q235 > the galvanized steel. The steels at site R1 have the highest corrosion rate, and those at site T28 have the lowest corrosion rate.
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