刘磊,李高春,刘著卿,李金飞.基于编制载荷谱的固体发动机药柱疲劳损伤分析[J].装备环境工程,2020,17(8):8-16. LIU Lei,LI Gao-chun,LIU Zhu-qing,LI Jin-fei.Fatigue Damage Analysis of Propellant Column in Solid Rocket Motor Based on Compiled Load Spectrum[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2020,17(8):8-16.
Fatigue Damage Analysis of Propellant Column in Solid Rocket Motor Based on Compiled Load Spectrum
投稿时间:2020-01-25  修订日期:2020-03-31
中文关键词:  载荷谱  振动  固体发动机  雨流计数法
英文关键词:load spectrum  vibration  solid rocket motor  rainflow counting
刘磊 海军航空大学,山东 烟台 264001 
李高春 海军航空大学,山东 烟台 264001 
刘著卿 91458部队,海南 三亚 572000 
李金飞 海军航空大学,山东 烟台 264001 
LIU Lei Naval Defense University, Yantai 264001, China 
LI Gao-chun Naval Defense University, Yantai 264001, China 
LIU Zhu-qing Unit 91458, Sanya 572000, China 
LI Jin-fei Naval Defense University, Yantai 264001, China 
      目的 建立固体发动机在海上值班时的长时域振动载荷谱,对振动造成的发动机药柱损伤进行分析。方法 通过数据实测获得了固体发动机值班时的部分载荷,使用非参数雨流矩阵外推法和时域载荷重构法编制了发动机长时域载荷谱。通过有限元仿真建立了发动机药柱的应力分布,应用Miner线性累积损伤理论计算了药柱损伤。结果 外推后的xyz三轴极值载荷数值分别提高了51%、83%、115%。振动过程中,药柱内部Mises应力较小,越靠近粘接界面,Mises应力越大,药柱在靠近前后封头的部位产生应力集中。推导了推进剂应力幅与累积损伤的关系公式,计算得到单个载荷谱周期内药柱的累积损伤值为1.059×104。结论 应用非参数雨流矩阵外推法和时域载荷重构法,可以实现将实测数据中未监测到的大幅值载荷进行量化表征,有效地建立固体发动机海上值班长时域载荷谱;固体发动机连续值班6个月时,造成的药柱累积损伤(D)为0.0323。
      The work aims to establish the long-term vibration load spectrum of solid rocket motor on duty in the sea, and analyze the damage of the propellant column caused by vibration. The partial load of the solid rocket motor on duty was obtained through data measurement. The long-term load spectrum of the motor was compiled by the nonparametric rainflow matrix extrapolation method and the time domain load reconstruction method. The stress distribution of the motor propellant column was established by finite element simulation. The propellant column damage was calculated by Miner’s linear cumulative damage theory. The extrapolated x, y, and z triaxial extreme load values were increased by 51%, 83%, and 115%, respectively. During vibration, the Mises stress inside the propellant column was small, and became larger as closing to the bonding interface. The propellant column near the front and rear heads generated stress concentration. The relationship between propellant stress amplitude and cumulative damage was deduced and the cumulative damage of the column during the single load spectrum period was 1.059×10−4. The nonparametric rainflow matrix extrapolation method and the time domain load reconstruction method can be used to quantitatively characterize the unobserved large-value loads in the measured data, and effectively establish the long-term load spectrum of the solid rocket motor in the sea. When the solid rocket motor is continuously on duty for 6 months, the cumulative damage to the column was 0.0323.
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