蒋鹏程,欧阳自强,张文华.系留气球整流罩散热数值仿真[J].装备环境工程,2020,17(12):7-12. JIANG Peng-cheng,OUYANG Zi-qiang,ZHANG Wen-hua.Heat Dissipation Simulation of Tethered Aerostat Windscreen[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2020,17(12):7-12.
Heat Dissipation Simulation of Tethered Aerostat Windscreen
投稿时间:2020-03-16  修订日期:2020-05-20
中文关键词:  系留气球  整流罩  散热  数值仿真  双向耦合
英文关键词:tethered aerostat  windscreen  heat dissipation  numerical simulation  two-way coupling
蒋鹏程 中国特种飞行器研究所,湖北 荆门 448035 
欧阳自强 中国特种飞行器研究所,湖北 荆门 448035 
张文华 中国特种飞行器研究所,湖北 荆门 448035 
JIANG Peng-cheng China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen 448035, China 
OUYANG Zi-qiang China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen 448035, China 
ZHANG Wen-hua China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen 448035, China 
      目的 解决系留气球整流罩散热设计问题。方法 通过建立三维几何和离散模型,利用FLUENT开展热-流数值仿真计算,结合编制UDF同时实现整流罩外部对流、外部太阳辐射和内部对流、内部红外辐射和内部热源的实时耦合计算(双向耦合)。筛选环境最严酷状态(风速、温度和太阳辐射),对系留气球整流罩在3000 m和6000 m高度的散热性能进行分析。结果 按最严酷状态进行分析后,在3000 m和6000 m工作高度,必须引入外界空气向整流罩内强制通风对流,才能保证任务设备工作环境要求。升空后,由于环境温度下降,整流罩散热增加,任务设备(雷达)散热所需引入外界通风量减少。3000 m-3 m/s工况下,在整流罩进气口质量流量为1.0 kg/s时,整流罩内部维持在39~40 ℃;6000 m-3 m/s工况下,在整流罩进气口质量流量为0.5 kg/s时,整流罩内部维持在25.5~26 ℃。整流罩上强制通风进气口应布设在任务设备发热部件下方,同时在整流罩上部和后部开设专用排气口,保证整流罩内部空气流通。结论 双向耦合计算方法可快速获取系留气球整流罩在各状态条件下的散热详情,为整流罩散热设计及内部任务设备的热设计提供详实设计依据,相比工程估算和单向耦合更加贴近实际状态,计算精度更高。双向耦合计算方法和仿真数据可为同类型系留气球整流罩散热设计提供参考。
      The work aims to solve the problem in the heat dissipation design of tethered aerostat windscreen. Through the establishment of three-dimensional geometry and discrete model, FLUENT was used to carry out thermal flow numerical simulation calculation, and combined with UDF to simultaneously realize the real-time coupling calculation (two-way coupling) of the external convection, external solar radiation and internal convection, internal infrared radiation and internal heat source of the windscreen. The most severe environment (wind speed, temperature and solar radiation) was selected to analyze the tethered aerostat windscreen at a height of 3000 m and 6000 m. After the analysis according to the most severe state, the external air was introduced into the windscreen for forced ventilation and convection at a working height of 3000 m and 6000 m to ensure the requirements of the working environment of the task equipment. After the lift-off, due to the decrease of the ambient temperature, the heat dissipation of the windscreen increased, and the external ventilation required for the heat dissipation of the task equipment (radar) decreased. At the working condition of 3000 m-3 m/s ,when the mass flow at the inlet of the windscreen was 1.0 kg/s, the temperature inside the windscreen was 39~40 ℃. At the condition of 6000 m-3 m/s, when the mass flow at the inlet of the windscreen was 0.5 kg/s, the temperature inside the windscreen was 25.5~26 ℃. The forced ventilation air inlet on the windscreen was arranged under the heating parts of the task equipment, and the special exhaust port was arranged at the upper part and the rear part of the windscreen to ensure the air circulation inside the windscreen. The two-way coupling calculation method can quickly obtain the heat dissipation details of the tethered aerostat windscreen under various conditions, and provide detailed design basis for the heat dissipation design of the windscreen and the thermal design of the internal task equipment. Compared with the engineering estimation and one-way coupling, it is closer to the actual state and has higher calculation accuracy. The two-way coupling calculation method and simulation data can provide reference for the heat dissipation design of the same type of tethered aerostat windscreen.
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