刘洪于.基于模糊理论的导弹贮存使用环境分析[J].装备环境工程,2020,17(12):95-100. LIU Hong-yu.Analysis of Missile Storage/Use Environment Based On Fuzzy Theory[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2020,17(12):95-100.
Analysis of Missile Storage/Use Environment Based On Fuzzy Theory
投稿时间:2020-02-28  修订日期:2020-03-18
中文关键词:  导弹  贮存使用  环境谱  聚类分析
英文关键词:missile  storage and use  environmental spectrum  cluster analysis
刘洪于 93514部队,河北 唐山 064200 
LIU Hong-yu 93514 Army, Tangshan 064200, China 
      目的 编制导弹贮存使用环境谱,聚类分析导弹贮存使用环境,指导各地域导弹贮存及战备部署工作。方法 针对不同环境因素对导弹寿命的影响,收集各地域温度、湿度等影响导弹可靠性的自然因素数据,编制导弹贮存使用环境谱。采用模糊聚类分析,将导弹贮存使用环境进行分类,并基于一定阈值确定最佳分类。结果 收集南部某地域温度等影响导弹贮存使用可靠性的环境因素数据,编制温-湿度环境谱,发现该地域比较潮湿,对导弹寿命影响较大。整理10个地域的腐蚀环境数据库,采用最大树法将贮存环境分类,确定最佳分类阈值为0.9,将贮存环境分为7类。结论 通过编制导弹贮存使用环境谱,并对贮存使用环境进行聚类分析,可以为各战区评估导弹寿命和调整导弹部署提供科学支撑。
      The work aims to compile the missile storage and use environment spectrum, analyze the missile storage and use environment by clustering, and guide the missile storage and combat readiness deployment in all regions. In view of the influence of different environmental factors on the life of missile, the data of natural factors such as temperature and humidity in different regions which affected the reliability of missile were collected to compile the storage and use environment spectrum of missile. The storage and use environment of missile was classified by fuzzy cluster analysis, and the best classification was determined based on a certain threshold value. The data of temperature and other environmental factors affecting the reliability of missile storage and use in a certain region in the south of China were collected to compile the temperature humidity environmental spectrum. It was found that the region was relatively humid, which had a great impact on the missile life. The database of corrosion environment in 10 regions was sorted out, the storage environment was classified by the maximum tree method, and the optimal classification threshold was determined to be 0.9. The storage environment was divided into 7 categories. The compilation of missile storage and use environment spectrum and the cluster analysis on storage and use environment can provide scientific support for the evaluation of missile life and adjustment of missile deployment in each theater.
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