白懿心,王全胜,宁先进.YSZ-W复合涂层的制备及抗烧蚀性能研究[J].装备环境工程,2021,18(2):83-89. BAI Yi-xin,WANG Quan-sheng,NING Xian-jin.Preparation and Ablation Resistance of YSZ-W Composite Coating[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2021,18(2):83-89.
Preparation and Ablation Resistance of YSZ-W Composite Coating
投稿时间:2020-02-17  修订日期:2020-03-24
中文关键词:  抗烧蚀性能  YSZ-20%W  真空烧结  大气等离子喷涂  超音速火焰冲刷中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2021)02-0083-07
英文关键词:ablation resistance  YSZ-20%W  spray drying-vacuum sintering  atmospheric plasma spraying  supersonic combustion flame
白懿心 北京理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,北京 100081 
王全胜 北京理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,北京 100081 
宁先进 北京理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,北京 100081 
BAI Yi-xin School of Materials Science & Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China 
WANG Quan-sheng School of Materials Science & Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China 
NING Xian-jin School of Materials Science & Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China 
      目的 在TC4表面制备均匀致密的YSZ-20%(体积分数)W(ZW2)复合涂层,以提高其抗烧蚀性能,并对其在超音速燃流中的烧蚀响应机制进行初步探究。方法 以8YSZ和W粉为原料,采用喷雾干燥-真空烧结工艺制备喷涂用ZW2复合粉末,利用大气等离子喷涂技术(APS)制备ZW2复合涂层,采用超音速火焰冲刷法(SCF)测试涂层的抗烧蚀性能。结果 在1500 ℃的真空环境下烧结2 h后,ZW2复合粉末原始颗粒之间的结合方式由PVA交联结合转变为冶金结合,烧结粉末的松装密度和流动性较造粒粉末分别提升632.3%和39.8%。APS制备的ZW2涂层的孔隙率为9.5%±0.8%,经SCF考核5 s后,500 μm厚的ZW2涂层可以使TC4钛合金基体免于烧蚀,仅在ZW2涂层表面形成了厚度约为30 μm的ZrO2-WO3疏松顶层。结论 利用APS工艺可以制备均匀致密的ZW2复合涂层,真空烧结处理提高了ZW2复合粉末的APS工艺适应性。ZW2涂层有效地提高了TC4的抗烧蚀性能,烧蚀过程中低熔点WO3的形成缓解了烧蚀过程中涂层内部的热应力,从而避免了涂层提前剥落失效。
      This paper aims to improve and preliminarily study the ablation resistance of TC4 alloy in supersonic combustion environment by preparing YSZ-20%W (ZW2) coating on it. ZW2 composite powder for spraying is prepared by spray drying-vacuum sintering method and using 8YSZ and W power as raw materials. ZW2 composite coating is deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). The ablation resistance is evaluated by supersonic combustion flame (SCF) test. After sintering at 1500 ℃ for 2 hours, original particles in ZW2 composite powder changed from PVA cross linking to metallurgical bonding, the bulk density and fluidity improved by 632.3% and 39.8%, respectively, compared with the granulating powder. The ZW2 coating deposited by APS was uniform and compact, with a porosity of 9.5%±0.8%. After ablation for 5s in supersonic combustion flame, the 500 μm ZW2 coating can prevent the TC4 titanium alloy substrate from ablation, and a ZrO2-WO3 loose top layer with a thickness of about 30 μm is formed on the ZW2 coating. It can be concluded that a uniform and dense ZW2 composite coating is prepared by APS process, and the APS adaptability of ZW2 composite powders is improved through the vacuum sintering treatment. ZW2 coating effectively improves the ablation resistance of TC4 alloy, the low melting point WO3 formed during the ablation process relieves the thermal stress inside the coating and eventually prevents the coating from peeling off in advance.
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