范士锋,张晓军,邢鹏涛.F108氟橡胶湿热老化影响双因素方差分析[J].装备环境工程,2021,18(2):115-119. FAN Shi-feng,ZHANG Xiao-jun,XING Peng-tao.Double Factor Variance Analysis of Hygrothermal Aging for F108 Fluororubber[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2021,18(2):115-119.
Double Factor Variance Analysis of Hygrothermal Aging for F108 Fluororubber
投稿时间:2020-05-16  修订日期:2020-05-28
中文关键词:  氟橡胶  密封材料  加速老化  方差分析中图分类号:V216.5  TQ333.93 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2021)02-0115-05
英文关键词:fluorinerubber  sealing materials  accelerated aging  variance analysis
范士锋 海军装备部,西安 710065 
张晓军 西安近代化学研究所 发动机研究部,西安 710065 
邢鹏涛 西安近代化学研究所 发动机研究部,西安 710065 
FAN Shi-feng Department of Naval Equipment, Xi′an 710065, China 
ZHANG Xiao-jun Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 710065, China 
XING Peng-tao Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 710065, China 
      目的 研究湿热因素对F108氟橡胶老化的影响。方法 采用χ2检验的方法,对氟橡胶圆柱形试样的初始高度进行假设检验,推断F108氟橡胶材料压缩永久变形服从正态分布。采用方差分析的方法,结合湿热老化试验数据,对F108氟橡胶湿热老化不同时间的压缩永久变形进行湿热双因素方差分析。结果 在开始阶段(即老化1 d后),温度和湿度的F值分别为77.25和9.34,均大于(α=0.05),温湿度交互作用的F值为14.19,大于。在试验中期和后期(即老化6、12、16 d),温度对应的F值急剧增加,分别达到365.38、458.03和354.13,湿度对应的F值也分别增至31.69、34.03和31.02,均远大于。结论 老化初期,温度、湿度及温湿度交互作用对F108氟橡胶性能的影响均为显著,显著程度由大到小为温度>温湿度交互作用>湿度。随着老化时间的增加,温度和湿度的影响有不同程度的增强,温度的作用占主导地位,温湿度交互作用由显著变为不显著。
      A hypothetical test is carried out on the initial height of the cylindrical sample of fluororubber using the method of χ2 inspection, and it is inferred that the compression permanent deformation of the F108 fluororubber materials follows a normal distribution. Using variance analysis method, combined with the data of Hygrothermal aging test, the double factor variance analysis of hydrothermal aging has been carried out on the compression deformation of F108 fluororubber at different aging time. At the initial stage (after 1 day of aging), the F values of temperature and humidity were 77.25 and 9.34, respectively, which were greater than (α=0.05), and the F value of temperature humidity interaction was 14.19, which was bigger than . In the middle and late stage of the test (after aging for 6, 12 and 16 days), the F values corresponding to temperature increased sharply, reaching 365.38, 458.03 and 354.13, respectively, and the F values corresponding to humidity also increased to 31.69, 34.03 and 31.02, respectively, which were far bigger than . The results show that the effects of temperature and humidity on the performance of F108 fluororubber are significant at the initial stage of aging, with significant:temperature > temperature and humidity interaction > humidity; with increase of aging time, the effects of temperature and humidity are enhanced to different degrees, and the effect of temperature is dominant. The temperature and humidity interaction changes from significant to insignificant.
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