施展,兰才富,王彬彬,霍冠良,王湘岳,闫茂成.埋地成品油管道绝缘接头漏电失效特征分析[J].装备环境工程,2021,18(4):50-56. SHI Zhan,LAN Cai-fu,WANG Bin-bin,HUO Guan-liang,WANG Xiang-yue,YAN Mao-cheng.Analysis on Current Leakage Failure of Insulation Joints of Buried Oil & Gas Pipeline[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2021,18(4):50-56.
Analysis on Current Leakage Failure of Insulation Joints of Buried Oil & Gas Pipeline
投稿时间:2021-03-21  修订日期:2021-03-30
中文关键词:  绝缘接头  油气管线  漏电失效  阴极保护  腐蚀产物  绝缘性能中图分类号:TG172 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2021)04-0050-07
英文关键词:insulation joint  oil & gas pipeline  current leakage failure  cathodic protection  corrosion products  insulation performance
施展 国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司,成都 610000 
兰才富 国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司,成都 610000 
王彬彬 国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司,成都 610000 
霍冠良 国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司,成都 610000 
王湘岳 国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司,成都 610000 
闫茂成 中国科学院金属研究所 国家金属腐蚀控制工程技术研究中心,沈阳 110016 
SHI Zhan National Network Group Southwest Pipeline Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, China 
LAN Cai-fu National Network Group Southwest Pipeline Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, China 
WANG Bin-bin National Network Group Southwest Pipeline Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, China 
HUO Guan-liang National Network Group Southwest Pipeline Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, China 
WANG Xiang-yue National Network Group Southwest Pipeline Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, China 
YAN Mao-cheng Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Engineering Research Center for Corrosion Control, Shenyang 110016, China 
      目的 分析兰成渝成品油管道某管段绝缘接头漏电失效的原因以及对阴极保护有效性产生的影响。方法 通过电位测量、电阻测试、漏电率测试等方法对管道阴极保护系统中恒电位仪、绝缘接头绝缘性能等进行检测。对该管段进行阴极保护输出、绝缘接头两端电位等参数的返场调研检测,对绝缘接头失效部位管内腐蚀产物成分及形貌进行表征。结果 恒电位仪在清管前后的输出电压差为7.55 V,保护侧与非保护侧电位相同漏电率达90%。绝缘接头两端管段存在大量坑蚀,深度可达3~3.5 mm。绝缘接头垫片处附着大量腐蚀产物,主要成分为Fe3O4和FeOOH等有磁性、易导电的铁氧化物。结论 绝缘接头失效导致管道失去保护,原因是外防腐层破损,外部导电介质会造成管道电搭接;管道内部磁性导电腐蚀产物导致绝缘接头短接。
      Objective To analyze the cause of the leakage failure of the insulation joint of a certain pipe section of the Lanzhou-Chengdu-Chongqing product pipeline and its impact on the effectiveness of cathodic protection. Methods The potentiostat and the insulation performance of insulating joints in the pipeline cathodic protection system were tested using potential measurement, resistance test, and leakage rate test, etc. The back-field investigation and detection of the parameters such as the cathodic protection output and the potential for both ends of the insulating joint was carried out on the pipe section, and the composition and morphology of the corrosion products of the pipe at the failure location of the insulating joint were characterized. The results show that the output voltage difference between the potentiostat before pigging and after pigging is 7.55 V, and the leakage rate of the protection side and the non-protection side is 90%. There is a large amount of pitting in the pipe sections at both ends of the insulation joint, and the depth can reach 3~3.5 mm. A large number of corrosion products are on the insulating joint gasket, mainly including Fe3O4, FeOOH and other magnetic and conductive iron oxides. Conclusion The failure of the insulation joint causes the pipeline to lose its protection. The first reason is that the outer anti-corrosion layer is damaged, and the external conductive medium will cause the pipeline to overlap; the second reason is that the magnetic conductive corrosion product inside the pipeline causes the insulation joint to be short circuited.
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