包胜,胡博,褚鑫,王超,尹本浩.电子吊舱温度环境测试分析[J].装备环境工程,2021,18(8):43-47. BAO Sheng,HU Bo,CHU Xin,WANG Chao,YIN Ben-hao.A Survey Analysis of Ambient Temperature Inside Electronic Pod[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2021,18(8):43-47.
A Survey Analysis of Ambient Temperature Inside Electronic Pod
投稿时间:2021-05-25  修订日期:2021-06-22
中文关键词:  电子吊舱  飞行工况  季节  温度  稳定时间  响应速度中图分类号:V216 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2021)08-0043-05
英文关键词:electronic pods  flight conditions  season  temperature  stabilization time  response speed
包胜 中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,成都 610036 
胡博 中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,成都 610036 
褚鑫 中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,成都 610036 
王超 中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,成都 610036 
尹本浩 中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,成都 610036 
BAO Sheng The 29th Research Institute of CETC, Chengdu 610036, China 
HU Bo The 29th Research Institute of CETC, Chengdu 610036, China 
CHU Xin The 29th Research Institute of CETC, Chengdu 610036, China 
WANG Chao The 29th Research Institute of CETC, Chengdu 610036, China 
YIN Ben-hao The 29th Research Institute of CETC, Chengdu 610036, China 
      目的 为电子吊舱热管理系统设计提供实测数据支撑。方法 在电子吊舱内部不同位置部署高精度温度传感器,并配套具有统一时标的参数采集设备,采集不同季节、不同飞行工况下电子吊舱内部的温度数据,获取舱内温度环境参数。结果 当飞行工况稳定时,电子吊舱内部环境温度的稳定时间约为1200 s,稳定值与当地大气总温的差别小于3 ℃。在不同飞行工况下稳定飞行时,舱内温度高于当地大气静温。以高空(11 km)飞行工况为例,当地大气静温为‒50~‒60 ℃,由于舱体蒙皮受气动加热影响,舱内环境温度仍维持在‒40 ℃以上。结论 飞行工况不同,吊舱内部环境温度有显著差别,随飞行工况变化,吊舱内部环境温度的变化相对滞后,其响应速度与材料导热能力正相关。
      To support the design of electronic pod thermal management system, a survey analysis of ambient temperature inside a electronic pod has been conducted. The electronic pod is carried by aircraft platform, and multiple high-precision temperature sensors are deployed inside the electronic pod, and they are equipped with parameter acquisition equipment with unified time scale. The cabin temperature is collected under different flight conditions in different seasons, and the results are as follows:Response of ambient temperature inside electronic pod lags far behind of the change of flight conditions, and positive correlation has been found between the response speeds and thermal conductivity of materials. When flight condition remains stable, the ambient temperature inside electronic pod, which is higher than the local atmospheric static temperature, becomes stable in 1200 seconds. Taking high altitude flight conditions (11km) as an example, the local atmospheric static temperature range is (‒50~‒60) centigrade, but the ambient temperature inside electronic pod remains above ‒40 centigrade, because the pod’s skin is affected by aerodynamic heating. The conclusion of this paper is that there are significant differences of the ambient temperatures inside the pod under different flight conditions. When flight condition remains stable, the ambient temperature inside electronic pod, which is close to the total temperature of local atmosphere, becomes stable in 1200 seconds.
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