钟勇,苏艳,罗来正,吴洋,杨华明,陈喜栋,赵全成,吴帅,朱玉琴,舒畅,滕俊鹏.四种典型大气环境下7B50铝合金的腐蚀行为研究[J].装备环境工程,2021,18(11):143-150. NPZHONG Yong,SU Yan,LUO Lai-zheng,WU Yang,YANG Hua-ming,CHEN Xi-dong,ZHAO Quan-cheng,WU Shuai,ZHU Yu-qin,SHU Chang,TENG Jun-peng.Corrosion Behavior of 7B50 Aluminum Alloy in Four Typical Atmospheric Environments[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2021,18(11):143-150.
Corrosion Behavior of 7B50 Aluminum Alloy in Four Typical Atmospheric Environments
投稿时间:2021-03-11  修订日期:2021-05-14
中文关键词:  7B50铝合金  7B50-T7751  7B50-T77511  大气环境  暴露试验  腐蚀行为中图分类号:TG172 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2021)11-0143-08
英文关键词:7B50 aluminum alloy  7B50-T7751  7B50-T77511  atmospheric environment  exposure test  corrosion behavior
钟勇 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
苏艳 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
罗来正 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
吴洋 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039;黑龙江漠河大气环境材料腐蚀国家野外科学观测研究站,黑龙江 漠河 165300 
杨华明 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039;西藏拉萨大气环境材料腐蚀国家野外科学观测研究站,拉萨 850100 
陈喜栋 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039;海南大气环境材料腐蚀国家野外科学观测研究站,海南 万宁 571522 
赵全成 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039;甘肃敦煌大气环境材料腐蚀国家野外科学观测研究站,甘肃 敦煌 736200 
吴帅 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
朱玉琴 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
舒畅 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
滕俊鹏 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
NPZHONG Yong Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
SU Yan Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
LUO Lai-zheng Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
WU Yang Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China;National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station for Atmospheric Material Corrosion in Mohe, Mohe 165300, China 
YANG Hua-ming Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China;National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station for Atmospheric Material Corrosion in Lhasa, Lhasa 850100, China 
CHEN Xi-dong Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China;Hainan National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station for Atmospheric Environment and Material Corrosion, Wanning 571522, China 
ZHAO Quan-cheng Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China;National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station for Atmospheric Environment and Material Corrosion in Dunhuang, Dunhuang 736200, China 
WU Shuai Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
ZHU Yu-qin Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
SHU Chang Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
TENG Jun-peng Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
      目的 研究湿热海洋、干热沙漠、寒冷乡村、暖温高原四种典型大气环境对7B50铝合金腐蚀行为的影响。方法 采用户外大气自然环境暴露试验,通过宏观腐蚀形貌分析、金相显微形貌分析、腐蚀深度分析和拉伸性能分析,对比研究7B50-T7751和7B50-T77511两种铝合金在不同大气环境中的腐蚀行为和规律。结果 暴露试验周期为3 a时,7B50-T7751铝合金在湿热海洋大气环境中腐蚀严重,局部最大腐蚀深度为166 μm,抗拉强度和断后伸长率分别下降了5%和25%;在干热沙漠大气环境下腐蚀较重,局部最大腐蚀深度为44 μm;在寒冷乡村、暖温高原大气环境下未见明显腐蚀。7B50-T77511铝合金在四种典型大气环境下均表现出明显腐蚀,局部最大腐蚀深度分别为141、80、42、29 μm。结论 两种7B50铝合金在典型大气环境中表现出不同的耐蚀性,在微观上均表现为点蚀和晶间腐蚀的混合腐蚀,具有明显的晶间腐蚀和剥蚀倾向。两种铝合金暴露在相同大气环境中时,7B50-T7751板材耐蚀性较7B50-T77511型材略好。
      The paper aims to research the corrosion behavior of 7B50 aluminum alloy in four typical atmospheric environments:damp hot ocean, dry-heat desert, cold countryside and warm plateau. The corrosion behaviors and rules of 7B50-T7751 and 7B50-T77511 aluminum alloys in different atmospheric environments were investigated and compared by test the macroscopic corrosion morphology, the metallographic microscope, the corrosion depth and the tensile strength of the material. After exposed for 3 years, the corrosion of 7B50-T7751 aluminum alloy was serious in damp hot ocean atmospheric environment, the local maximum corrosion depth was 166 μm, the tensile strength and elongation after fracture decreased by 5% and 25%, respectively. And the corrosion was secend in dry-heat desert atmospheric environment, the local maximum corrosion depth was 44 μm. And no obvious corrosion was found in cold countryside and warm plateau atmosphere environment. However, when exposed to the damp hot ocean, dry-heat desert, cold countryside and warm plateau atmospheric environment, the 7B50-T77511 aluminum alloy showed obvious corrosion. The local maximum corrosion depths were 141, 80, 42 and 29 μm, respectively. The corrosion resistance of 7B50 aluminum alloy in typical atmospheric environment is different, it mainly presents the mixed corrosion of pitting corrosion and intergranular corrosion, and it has obvious tendency of intergranular corrosion and denudation. And the corrosion resistance of 7B50-T7751 plate is slightly better than that of 7B50-T77511 profile when exposed to the same atmospheric environment.
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