马康.一维修正弹任务可靠度的序贯截尾检验方法[J].装备环境工程,2022,19(4):54-59. MA Kang.Sequential Truncated Inspection Method for the Mission Reliability of One Dimension Trajectory Correction Projectile[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2022,19(4):54-59.
Sequential Truncated Inspection Method for the Mission Reliability of One Dimension Trajectory Correction Projectile
投稿时间:2021-10-18  修订日期:2021-12-23
中文关键词:  一维修正弹  任务可靠度  序贯截尾检验中图分类号:TJ412.+7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)04-0054-06
英文关键词:one dimension trajectory correction projectile  mission reliability  sequential truncated inspection
马康 92941部队,辽宁 葫芦岛 125001;92493部队博士后科研工作站,辽宁 葫芦岛 125001 
MA Kang Unit 92941 of PLA, Liaoning Huludao 125001, China;Post-doctoral Research Center, Unit 92493 of PLA, Liaoning Huludao 125001, China 
      目的 研究并提出一种基于序贯截尾检验方法的任务可靠度评定方法。方法 将序贯截尾检验方法引入一维修正弹任务可靠度评定过程中,建立检验方法数学描述模型,并结合工程实例,综合应用Monte-Carlo法,给出数值算例和任务可靠度检验方案,验证方法的有效性和可行性。结果 与二项式经典假设检验方法(所需试验样本量N=54)相比,采用序贯截尾检验方法能够显著减少试验样本数量,给出了6种接收方案和9种拒收方案,其中接收方案最少仅需要16个试验样本,最大需要38个试验样本;拒收方案最少仅需要4个试验样本,最大需要38个试验样本。结论 该方法能够显著缩短试验周期、减少试验子样,与传统经典假设检验方法相比,更适合试验工程应用。
      A sequential truncated inspection method on the mission reliability has been investigated and proposed in this paper. The sequential truncated inspection method has been introduced into the evaluation process of the mission reliability in this paper, and the mathematical model of the checking methods has been established. Furthermore, the validity and feasibility of the method have been validated by numerical examples, and inspection schemes of mission reliability have been obtained by applying the Monte-Carlo method. Compared with the test sample size (N=54) based on the binomial distribution hypothesis inspection, the test sample size can be reduced by applying the sequential truncated inspection method. Six receiving schemes and nine rejection schemes have been proposed in this paper, among the receiving schemes, the needed test samples is minimum of 16, maximum of 38; among the rejection schemes, the needed test samples is minimum of 4, maximum of 38. Compared with the traditional classical hypothesis testing methods, this method can significantly shorten the test period and reduce the number of test samples, and is more suitable for test engineering applications.
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