熊俊,吴德权,孙茂钧,高瑾,王津梅,杨小奎,周堃,张伦武.三元乙丙橡胶室内外老化行为及相关性分析[J].装备环境工程,2022,19(4):138-144. XIONG Jun,WU De-quan,SUN Mao-jun,GAO Jin,WANG Jin-mei,YANG Xiao-kui,ZHOU Kun,ZHANG Lun-wu.Correlation Analysis and the Aging Behaviors of Ethylene-propylene-diene Monomer in Xenon Lamp & Atmospheric Environments[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2022,19(4):138-144.
Correlation Analysis and the Aging Behaviors of Ethylene-propylene-diene Monomer in Xenon Lamp & Atmospheric Environments
投稿时间:2021-12-13  修订日期:2021-12-23
中文关键词:  三元乙丙橡胶  环境试验  氙灯加速老化  相关性  动力学模型。中图分类号:TG333.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)04-0138-07
英文关键词:ethylene-propylene-diene monomer  environment test  xenon acceleration aging  correlation  kinetic model
熊俊 成都飞机工业集团有限责任公司,成都 610073 
吴德权 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039;北京科技大学 腐蚀与防护中心,北京 100083 
孙茂钧 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
高瑾 北京科技大学 腐蚀与防护中心,北京 100083 
王津梅 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
杨小奎 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
周堃 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
张伦武 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
XIONG Jun Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Group Co., Ltd, Chengdu 610073, China 
WU De-quan Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing, 400039, China;Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
SUN Mao-jun Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing, 400039, China 
GAO Jin Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
WANG Jin-mei Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing, 400039, China 
YANG Xiao-kui Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing, 400039, China 
ZHOU Kun Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing, 400039, China 
ZHANG Lun-wu Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing, 400039, China 
      目的 研究三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)的室内外老化机制及其相关性。方法 开展户外拉萨、漠河、吐鲁番、万宁、武汉等站点及室内氙灯加速老化试验,通过分析表观、力学、化学结构等性能,探究EPDM室内外老化行为相关性及加速比。结果 EPDM室内外环境中老化规律为,光泽度初期迅速下降,后期趋于稳定;老化初期色差上升,后期逐渐下降。撕裂与拉伸强度在室内与拉萨、漠河地区波动性上升后逐渐下降。红外光谱显示,EPDM室内及拉萨地区样品老化产物都有羰基,但无羟基。结论 室内氙灯加速老化试验与拉萨大气暴露试验相关性最高,灰色关联度为0.92。基于一阶动力学方程分析,EPDM室内外老化过程的失光率曲线,氙灯加速老化试验相对于拉萨、吐鲁番、万宁、武汉地区,加速比约为43、82、45、31。
      To study the indoor and outdoor aging mechanism of EPDM, Ethylene-propylene-diene monomer (EPDM) was carried to outdoor atmospheric environments (Lhasa, Mohe, Turpan, Wanning and Wuhan) for outdoor nature atmosphere exposure tests and indoor xenon lamp accelerating aging test. The aging behaviors of EPDM including surface properties, mechanical properties and chemical structures were analyzed to evaluate the correlation between indoor and outdoor environment aging behaviors and acceleration ratio. The results showed that the aging rule of EPDM indoor and outdoor environment:glossiness reduced firstly and became stable later; chromatic aberration increased early and then decreased; the tensile strength and tear strength properties in Lhasa, Mohe and indoor environment raised fluctuantly and then decreased gradually; the carbonely groups were found in EPDM in Lhasa indoor environment test, while the hydroxy were not discovered there. The aging behaviors of EPDM from indoor environment were high correlated with Lhasa, whose relation coefficient was calculated as 0.92. Based on the first order dynamic equation and the light loss rate curve of EPDM, the acceleration ratios between indoor and Lhasa, Turpan, Wanning and Wuhan tests were calculated to be 43, 82, 45, 31 respectively.
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