田天,常峥,马杰,白钧水,王舸,李杨.AP9/AE9/SPM辐射环境模型研究[J].装备环境工程,2022,19(5):149-156. TIAN Tian,CHANG Zheng,MA Jie,BAI Jun-shui,WANG Ge,LI Yang.AP9/AE9/SPM Radiation Environment Model[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2022,19(5):149-156.
AP9/AE9/SPM Radiation Environment Model
中文关键词:  AP9/AE9/SPM辐射环境模型  发展历程  模型能力  模型使用  模型特点  模型局限性  发展趋势中图分类号:P353.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)05-0149-08
英文关键词:AP9/AE9/SPM radiation environment model  development process  model capability  method of application  model characteristics  model limitations  Development trend.
田天 国防科技大学 气象海洋学院,长沙 410073;北京市5111信箱,北京 100094 
常峥 中国科学院国家空间科学中心,北京 100190 
马杰 北京市5111信箱,北京 100094 
白钧水 北京市5111信箱,北京 100094 
王舸 北京市5111信箱,北京 100094 
李杨 北京市5111信箱,北京 100094 
TIAN Tian College of Meteorology and Oceanography, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China;Mailbox 5111, Beijing 100094, China 
CHANG Zheng National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 
MA Jie Mailbox 5111, Beijing 100094, China 
BAI Jun-shui Mailbox 5111, Beijing 100094, China 
WANG Ge Mailbox 5111, Beijing 100094, China 
LI Yang Mailbox 5111, Beijing 100094, China 
      The AP9/AE9/SPM radiation environment model is systematically studied. The development history, modeling data, model capability, application methods, model characteristics, model limitations and development trend of AP9/AE9/SPM radiation environment model are mainly introduced. The characteristics, data coverage time range and energy range of the 11 released versions in the AP9/AE9/SPM radiation environment model “spiral” development pathway are summarized. During the development process, it is pointed out that the AP9/AE9/SPM radiation environment model is constantly integrated with the latest data and theoretical knowledge to achieve the purpose of extending the model energy coverage and increasing the spatial particle distribution. The newly released AP9/AE9/SPM radiation environment model can be used in both command-line applications and graphical user interface applications, covering the complete radiation belt, basically covering the energy range of electrons and protons. However, the latest version of AP9/AE9/SPM still has some limitations, which will be gradually improved with the accumulation of radiation belt detection data and the further cognition of the mechanism of radiation belts. The research in this paper can help users quickly understand and correctly use the AP9/AE9/SPM model, and provide an important reference for the research and development of the independent radiation belt model in China.
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