万军.环境因素数据质量审核方法研究[J].装备环境工程,2022,19(5):157-. WAN Jun.Data Quality Audit Method of Environmental Factors[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2022,19(5):157-.
Data Quality Audit Method of Environmental Factors
中文关键词:  气象数据报表  数据缺失  数据超过边界  质量审核  审核流程  审核算法  多线程中图分类号:X16  TB115 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)05-0157-07
英文关键词:meteorological data report  missing data  data exceeding boundary  quality audit  audit process  audit algorithm  multi-threaded
万军 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
WAN Jun Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
      目的 解决大气环境试验站的气象数据报表存在数据缺失、数据超过边界、数据内部不一致、数据时间不一致等问题,采用数据质量审核技术找出缺失、可疑或错误的数据,对科研人员进行警示,使其能够追根溯源,分析存在问题的原因。方法 参照相关规程和标准,建立环境因素数据质量审核算法和审核流程,并使用计算机语言编程固化流程和算法,利用多线程算法对数据进行扫描,实现大批量气象数据的并行审核。结果 利用Python语言设计了环境因素质量控制软件,通过该软件的应用证明了该方法合理、有效,能够快速、准确地标注气象数据报表中存在质量问题的数据。利用软件统计了存在问题数据的数量和正确率。结论 通过加载数据测试,证明了环境因素数据质量审核方法和审核流程合理有效,利用设计的审核软件实现了气象数据报表快速审核,提高了审核效率,减少了科研人员的劳动强度,为进一步填补、修正和利用数据奠定了基础。
      In order to solve the problems of missing data, data exceeding boundary, internal inconsistency in data and inconsistent data time in meteorological data report of atmospheric environment test station, the data quality audit technology is used to identify the missing, suspicious or erroneous data, and to alert the scientific researchers so that they can trace the source and analyze the causes of the problems. The environmental factors data quality audit algorithm and audit process are established with reference to relevant regulations and standards, and the process and algorithm are solidified by using computer language programming, and the data were scanned by using multi-threaded algorithm to realize the parallel audit of large quantities of meteorological data. The environmental factors quality control software is designed by using Python language. The application of the software proves that the method is reasonable and effective to mark the data quickly and accurately with quality problems in meteorological data report. The software is used to count the number and accuracy of the problem data. Through the loading data test, it is proved that the environmental factors data quality audit method and audit process are reasonable and effective. By using the designed audit software, the rapid audit of meteorological data reports is realized, the audit efficiency is improved, the labor intensity of scientific researchers is reduced, and the foundation for further filling, correcting and using data is laid.
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