万军.导弹用材料环境适应性数据库设计[J].装备环境工程,2022,19(6):147-154. WAN Jun.Design of Environmental Adaptability Database for Missile Materials[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2022,19(6):147-154.
Design of Environmental Adaptability Database for Missile Materials
中文关键词:  导弹  环境适应性  数据库  3D建模  数据可视化  数据关联中图分类号:TJ760.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)06-0147-08
英文关键词:missile  environmental adaptability  database  3D modeling  data visualization  data association
万军 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
WAN Jun Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
      目的 针对材料工艺师需要系统整合导弹环境适应性信息的手段、分析数据变化规律的工具、网络共享的平台,设计并开发导弹用材料环境适应性数据库。方法 数据库软件采用J2ee体系架构搭建,设计虚拟导弹数字化模型,通过建立大量的数据关联,将导弹基本结构信息、导弹整机失效信息、弹用材料基本性能信息、环境适应性信息和环境信息五大类信息整合为一体,供导弹模型调用。设计曲线绘制算法,采用ActionScript脚本语言编程,实现数据规律动态绘制,采用跨库关联建立数据关联查询和数据对比分析。结果 用户可通过鼠标操作,拆分和组装导弹模型,全方位观察导弹的构成。利用导弹模型整合的五大类环境适应性信息,直观反映导弹的构成和材料应用情况。软件能够查询导弹的故障模式、弹用材料环境适应性信息等,跨库关联则增强了的数据对比性。结论 该数据库已经通过软件测评并上线运行,为导弹多个型号的选材和防护设计工作提供帮助,用户反映良好。
      In view of the need of material technologists for a means to integrate systematically missile environmental adaptability information, tools to analyze the data change rules, and a platform for network sharing, the paper designs and develops an environmental adaptability database for missile materials. The database software is built by using J2EE architecture, and the virtual missile digital model is designed. Through the establishment of a large number of data association, the basic structure information of the missile, the failure information of the whole missile, the basic performance information of the missile materials, the environmental adaptability information of the missile materials and the environmental information are integrated into one, which can be called by the missile model. The curve drawing algorithm is designed, and the dynamic drawing of data rule is realized by using ActionScript script programming language, and cross-database association is used to establish data association query and data comparative analysis. The establishment of missile model enables users to observe the missile's composition in all views through operation, disassembly and assembly of missile model by mouse. The five kinds of environmental adaptability information integrated by the missile model can directly reflect the missile's composition and material application. The software can query the information of missile failure mode and environmental adaptability of missile materials, and cross-database association enhances the data contrast. The database has passed the software evaluation and has been put into operation, providing help for material selection and protection design of multiple types of missiles, and its users have a good response.
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